Report Links Accountants to Better Business Performance

Saturday, August 13, 2016 Print Email

The International Federation of Accountants – IFA has done a new research. According to this new research how knowledge and guidance from accountants assists to enhance business growth at companies around the globe.

This report “the relationship between accountants expertise and business growth” of the International Federation of Accountants Commission has formulated by the Romanian Bucharest University of Economic Studies researchers and then helped by the Ohio University of Dayton under the suggestion of the International Federation of Accountants Commission. After reviewing more than ninety educational papers on the connection between getting accounting skill and company growth by the researchers for generating the encouraging impact that accountants have on lining up the objectives of the associations with the measures they receive. The investigators bring into being that the accountants are well-matched to participate in a variety of functions in the associations where they employ, including decision making, communicating and analyzing information, generating maintainable worth for the company and managing risks.

The findings of this report indicates the accountants of the United States, but with the passage of time the accounting profession in the developing world catching up the trends just like in the United States.

The CEO of IFAC Fayez Choudhary said in his statement, “It has long been understood that getting benefit of the width and deepness of knowledge and proficiency of qualified accountants helps companies boost performance and growth. It is inspiring to observe vigorous worldwide proof in support of this association. The report discovers that organizational expansion and presentation guide to increased utilize of accountancy skill, and accountancy knowledge guides to greater progress and performance.”

The findings are organized in the report according to the size of the company, difference between varieties of academic studies, how the performance of the business and the accounting skill cooperate with, how the results were constructed.

Source: ReadyRatios

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