ReadyRatios Software Manual


How to add my own indicator (formula) to the report?

Let's look at the following example to see how you can add your own indicator to the report.

Our task is to calculate the Added Value Indicator / Total employees indicator.

Step 1. We need to use 2 indicators (variables) in formula (Added Value Indicator and Total employees) which are absent in the standard IFRS statements (i.e. in the form #1 Statement of financial position and in the form #2 Statement of comprehensive income. So we should add these indicators.

Go to Settings->Input Tables Customization and add these 2 indicators (see the manual for details).

The Added Value Indicator is a period type indicator (i.e. is a type of P&L indicator), so select the Input table option as Additional data – form 2. Let's assign the code "AVI" to our variable:

Then add the second indicator Total employees. Unlike the Added Value Indicator Total employees indicator should belong to input table Additional data – form 1, because its nature is close to Balance sheet indicators (i.e. indicators on the exact date and not period as revenue or income):

Step 2. Insert a new formula (see the manual for details). Go to section Settings->Formulas customization and add your formula:

The formula is


Why not just F2_u[AVI]/F1_u[total_employees]? Because it's correct to use the average value of Total employees indicator for each period. The average value is calculated as value at the beginning of the period ([b]) plus the value at the end of the period ([e]) divided by 2.

What do F2_u and F1_u used in the formula above? F2_u means Additional data – form 2 to which we have assigned our AVI indicator. F1_u is the reference for Additional data – form 1 to which the Total employees indicator was assigned.

Step 3. Make your own report template.

Go to Settings->Templates customization (see the manual for details). Press Edit for the Comprehensive Financial Analysis template and insert a new table (use the button Insert indicators table):

Pay attention! For the first list you should select "table #1 & 2", because our Added Value Indicator / total employees formula consist of both form # 1 and form # 2 variables. After that you'll see our indicator at the end of the list. Just check it. Press the Insert button and the new table will appear on the template:

Press Template properties and give new name My Financial Analysis to the current template (this is an optional action).

Press Save template. The template will be saved as a users template.

Step 4. Use the created template to obtain comprehensive financial analyses and calculate your Added Value Indicator / Total employees indicator. Go to Input tables and select My Financial Analysis template. You'll see our new fields Added Value Indicator and Total employees in the additional tables 1 & 2, use them:

So you'll see your table with the Added Value Indicator to Total employees indicator in the ready report:

Look at the table. For the year 2010, the value added per employee is 651.29. This number is calculated as 2442344/((4000+3500)/2).

Attention! When filling in the input tables, don't forget to select your own template (My Financial Analysis), but not the default template Comprehensive Financial Analysis, which which does not have your result table.


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