Public Invited to have Their Say on Tax Reform

Monday, November 14, 2011 Print Email

THE PUBLIC will be asked their views on how they pay tax, as the government launches a review towards modernising the personal tax system.

The paper, Modernising the Administration of the Personal Tax System, will consider how technology could help people access their tax information online and pay more easily, which areas of the system create the most difficulty and how well the public understands what it pays.

Tax advisors and other stakeholders, will also be asked to contribute.

Exchequer secretary to the Treasury David Gauke (pictured) said: "At the moment, for a lot of people, the tax line on their pay slip is the only time they see just how much they're paying in tax, but the Government doesn't think that's good enough.

"We want to make tax more transparent and we want people to be more engaged with their own tax affairs."

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