(profile #7709802134of 04/18/2024)

Brief Profile

active Commercial

TIN 7709802134
Region, city Moscow, ul. Marksistskaia address
Company Age 15 years (for comparison: the industry average is 13 years)
Core Activity Manufacture of watches and clocks
Scale of Operation
Revenue and its change over the year

73.9 million RUB in 2023 (-26%)

Number of employees and its change over the year 17 people
  1. Martynova Larisa Mikhailovna (55%; 10.5 thousand RUB)
  2. Varkula Nadezhda Anisimovna (45%; 9.5 thousand RUB)
Manager Shpakova Anna Vladimirovna (general manager)

Facts to Consider

Complete Profile

  1. 1. General Information
  2. 2. Registration in the Russian Federation
  3. 3. Company's Activities
  4. 4. Legal Address
  5. 5. Owners, Founders of the Entity
  7. 7. Entities Founded by Company
  8. 8. Number of Employees
  9. 9. Company Finance
  10. 10. Entities related to OOO "CHASOVOE PROIZVODSTVO "POLET-KHRONOS"
  11. 11. Timeline of key events
  12. 12. Latest Changes in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE)

General Information


TIN: 7709802134

KPP: 770901001

PSRN: 1087746993487

Location: 109147, Moscow, ul. Marksistskaia, 34 korp. 5

Line of business: Manufacture of watches and clocks (OKVED code 26.52)

Organization status: Commercial, active

Form of incorporation: Limited liability companies (code 12300 according to OKOPF)

Registration in the Russian Federation

The organization OBSHCHESTVO S OGRANICHENNOI OTVETSTVENNOSTIU "CHASOVOE PROIZVODSTVO "POLET-KHRONOS" was registered in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities 15 years ago 18 August 2008.
The average age of legal entities for the type of activity 26.52 "Manufacture of watches and clocks" is 13 years. This organization has been in business longer.

The tax authority where the legal entity is registered: Inspektsiia Federalnoi nalogovoi sluzhby № 9 po g. Moskve (inspection code – 7709).

Registration with the Pension Fund: registration number 087102076500 dated 19 August 2008.

Registration with the Social Insurance Fund: registration number 770804723777131 dated 30 June 2017.

Company's Activities

The main activity of the organization is Manufacture of watches and clocks (OKVED code 26.52).

Additionally, the organization listed the following activities:

25.61 Treatment and coating of metals
25.62 Machining of metal products
25.99 Manufacture of other fabricated metal products not elsewhere classified
32.12.5 Manufacture of jewelry, medals from precious metals and precious stones
46.39 Wholesale non-specialized trade in food, beverages and tobacco products
show 18 more

The organization has 5 registered trademarks: 729472, 730479, 759227, 767693, 805936.

The organization is included in the Roskomnadzor registry as a personal data processing operator.

Legal Address

OOO "CHASOVOE PROIZVODSTVO "POLET-KHRONOS" is registered at 109147, Moscow, ul. Marksistskaia, 34 korp. 5. (show on a map)

The following organization are also registered at the following address (including liquidated organizations):

show 15 organizations more

The reason may be that the address’s accuracy wasn’t ascertained after the registration. Otherwise the address can be recognized as an address of mass legal entities registration.

Owners, Founders of the Entity


Founders Share Nominal value from which date
Martynova Larisa Mikhailovna (TIN: 773405134940) 55% 10.5 thousand RUB 08/18/2008
Varkula Nadezhda Anisimovna (TIN: 770903004761) 45% 9.5 thousand RUB 04/11/2018

Below are the former founders:

Founders Share Nominal value from which date Until *
26.5% 2.7 thousand RUB 12/27/2014 02/21/2018
AO "1 MCHZ" (liquidated 08/02/2018) (Moscow) 24.5% 2.5 thousand RUB 08/18/2008 01/30/2018

The legal predecessor of OOO "CHASOVOE PROIZVODSTVO "POLET-KHRONOS": OOO "KHRONOS-N" (liquidated 01/14/2019)


The head of the organization (a person who has the right to act on behalf of a legal entity without a power of attorney) since 23 May 2018 is general manager Shpakova Anna Vladimirovna (TIN: 770903004514).

Previously the organization was managed by (general manager from 06/09/2010 until 05/23/2018*).

Entities Founded by Company

OOO "CHASOVOE PROIZVODSTVO "POLET-KHRONOS" is not listed as a founder in any Russian legal entities.

Number of Employees

In 2023, the average number of employees of OOO "CHASOVOE PROIZVODSTVO "POLET-KHRONOS" was 17 people. This is 3 people less than in 2022.

Company Finance

The Authorized capital of OOO "CHASOVOE PROIZVODSTVO "POLET-KHRONOS" is 20 thousand RUB.

Until 04/29/2019 the authorized capital was 10 thousand RUB.

In 2023, the organization received the revenue of 73.9 million RUB, which is 25.9 million RUB, or by 26%, less than a year ago.

As of December 31, 2023, the organization's total assets were 83.6 million RUB This is 9.1 million RUB (by 9.8%) less than a year earlier.

The net assets of OOO "CHASOVOE PROIZVODSTVO "POLET-KHRONOS" as of 12/31/2023 totaled 82.2 million RUB.

The OOO "CHASOVOE PROIZVODSTVO "POLET-KHRONOS"’s operation in 2023 resulted in the profit of 9.7 million RUB. This is by 61.3% less than in 2022.

As of 03/01/2024 the organization applies simplified taxation system (STS).

The organization is listed in the small businesses registry. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, organizations with the annual revenue of up to 800 mln RUB and up to 100 employees fall into the small business category.

Information about the taxes and fees paid by the organization for 2022

Value added tax0 RUB.
Income tax0 RUB.
The tax levied in connection with the application of the simplified taxation system3.72 mln. RUB.
Insurance premiums for compulsory medical insurance of the working population credited to the budget of the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund758 thous. RUB.
Insurance contributions for compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity108 thous. RUB.
Insurance and other contributions for compulsory pension insurance credited to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation1.96 mln. RUB.
Corporate property tax0 RUB.
Arrears and recalculations on CANCELLED TAXES and fees and other mandatory payments (except UST, insurance. Contributions)0 RUB.
NON-TAX INCOME administered by tax authorities0 RUB.
Total6.55 mln. RUB.

The organization had no tax arrears as of 02/10/2024.

The organisation is listed in the register of recipients of state support:

DateAuthority providing supportSupport typeSupport sizeViolations
ANO "MOSCOW EXPORT CENTER"Consulting support. Other consulting services.
Based on: Law No. 60 of 26.11.2008 Moscow "On the support and development of small and medium-sized businesses in the city of Moscow"
Consulting support. Other consulting services.
STATE BUDGETARY INSTITUTION OF THE CITY OF MOSCOW "SMALL BUSINESS OF MOSCOW"Consulting support. Consulting services on state support measures.
STATE BUDGETARY INSTITUTION OF THE CITY OF MOSCOW "SMALL BUSINESS OF MOSCOW"Consulting support. Consulting services on state support measures.
ANO "MOSCOW EXPORT CENTER"Consulting support. Other consulting services.
STATE BUDGETARY INSTITUTION OF THE CITY OF MOSCOW "SMALL BUSINESS OF MOSCOW"Information support. Activities aimed at popularizing entrepreneurship and starting your own business.
Period: 30.10.2020
Stop: 30.10.2020
MOSCOW INNOVATION CLUSTER FOUNDATIONConsulting support. Consulting services on state support measures.
ANO "MOSCOW EXPORT CENTER"Consulting support. Other consulting services.

Based on the data from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the following legal entities and people are directly or indirectly related to the organization.

Timeline of key events

Authorized capital increased from 10 thousand RUB to 20 thousand RUB.
The head of the organization was changed: to Shpakova Anna Vladimirovna.
The new founder – Varkula Nadezhda Anisimovna.
is no longer listed as the founder in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
AO "1 MCHZ" (liquidated 08/02/2018) is no longer listed as the founder in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
The new founder – .
Head of the organization – .
Organization registration.

Latest Changes in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE)

  1. 11/04/2022. Submission of information about the registration of an individual at the place of residence.
  2. 04/06/2021. State registration of changes made to the constituent documents of a legal entity related to changes in information about a legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, based on an application.
  3. 04/29/2019. State registration of changes made to the constituent documents of a legal entity related to changes in information about a legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, based on an application.
  4. 01/14/2019. Reorganization of a legal entity in the form of a merger with another legal entity.
  5. 08/08/2018. Entering information about the beginning of the reorganization of another legal entity in the form of joining another legal entity.
  6. 05/23/2018. Change of information about a legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
  7. 04/11/2018. Change of information about a legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
  8. 02/21/2018. Change of information about a legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
  9. 01/30/2018. Change of information about a legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
  10. 12/13/2017. Change of information about a legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

* The date of change in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is shown (may be different from the actual date).

Sources of Information

The data presented on this page have been obtained from official sources: the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE), the State Information Resource for Financial Statements, the website of the Federal Tax Service (FTS), the Ministry of Finance and the Federal State Statistics Service.

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