Russian Company FOND "OKEAN"

(profile #9725058646of 04/18/2024)

Brief Profile

active Non-profit Unitary

TIN 9725058646
Region, city Moscow, nab. Paveletskaia address
Company Age 2 years 7 months (for comparison: the industry average is 9 years)
Core Activity Other financial service activities, except insurance and pension funding not elsewhere classified
Scale of Operation
Founders no data available
Manager Dmitrienko Dmitrii Vladimirovich (the president)

Facts to Consider

Complete Profile

  1. 1. General Information
  2. 2. Registration in the Russian Federation
  3. 3. Company's Activities
  4. 4. Legal Address
  5. 5. Owners, Founders of the Entity
  6. 6. FOND "OKEAN" CEO
  7. 7. Entities Founded by Company
  8. 8. Company Finance
  9. 9. Entities related to FOND "OKEAN"
  10. 10. Latest Changes in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE)

General Information


TIN: 9725058646 (region of TIN receipt – Moscow)

KPP: 772501001

PSRN: 1217700411147

Location: 115114, Moscow, nab. Paveletskaia, 2 str. 18, et. /pomeshch 2/I kom. 19

Line of business: Other financial service activities, except insurance and pension funding not elsewhere classified (OKVED code 64.99)

Organization status: Non-profit Unitary, active

Form of incorporation: Funds (code 70400 according to OKOPF)

Registration in the Russian Federation

The organization FOND RAZVITIIA KOMPETENTSII I TEKHNOLOGII V OBLASTI MORSKOI DEIATELNOSTI "OKEAN" was registered in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities 2 years 7 months ago 2 September 2021.

The average age of legal entities for the type of activity 64.99 "Other financial service activities, except insurance and pension funding not elsewhere classified" is 9 years. This organization is younger.

Note, FOND "OKEAN" is a non-profit organization, that is, making a profit is not its main goal.

The tax authority where the legal entity is registered: Inspektsiia Federalnoi nalogovoi sluzhby № 25 po g. Moskve (inspection code – 7725).

Registration with the Pension Fund: registration number 087616068923 dated 3 September 2021.

Registration with the Social Insurance Fund: registration number 770408181877041 dated 3 September 2021.

Company's Activities

The main activity of the organization is Other financial service activities, except insurance and pension funding not elsewhere classified (OKVED code 64.99).

Additionally, the organization listed the following activities:

58.11 Book publishing
58.14 Publishing of magazines and periodicals
63.11 Data processing, hosting and related activities
72.19 Other research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering
72.20 Research and experimental development on social sciences and humanities
show 5 more

Legal Address

FOND "OKEAN" is registered at 115114, Moscow, nab. Paveletskaia, 2 str. 18, et. /pomeshch 2/I kom. 19. (show on a map)

Also at this address is FOND "DOM REKLAMY".

Owners, Founders of the Entity

USRLE has no founders data for FOND "OKEAN".


The head of the organization (a person who has the right to act on behalf of a legal entity without a power of attorney) since 2 September 2021 is the president Dmitrienko Dmitrii Vladimirovich (TIN: 511006441300).

Entities Founded by Company

FOND "OKEAN" is not listed as a founder in any Russian legal entities.

Company Finance

The organization is not subject to special taxation regimes (operates under a common regime).

Based on the data from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the following legal entities and people are directly or indirectly related to the organization.

Latest Changes in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE)

  1. 01/21/2023. Submission of information on the issuance or replacement of documents proving the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  2. 09/07/2021. Entering information about registration in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.
  3. 09/06/2021. Entering information about registration in the FSS RF.
  4. 09/02/2021. Entering information about accounting with the tax authority.
Sources of Information

The data presented on this page have been obtained from official sources: the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE), the State Information Resource for Financial Statements, the website of the Federal Tax Service (FTS), the Ministry of Finance and the Federal State Statistics Service.

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