Mikaelian Mikael Ashotovich (TIN 410116824406) in the Register of Legal Entities and Entrepreneurs

According to the Uniform State Register of Legal Entities published by the Russian Tax Service, Mikaelian Mikael Ashotovich (Individual Taxpayer Identification Number 410116824406) is referenced in the following legal entities.

  1. 1. Company Head, CEO
  2. 2. Founder Mikaelian M. A.
  3. 3. Operating as a Sole Entrepreneur
  4. 4. More Information
  5. 5. Mikaelian Mikael Ashotovich and indirectly associated parties

This TIN was issued by the tax office of Kamchatka Krai.

Organizations for which this person are referenced the region Kamchatka Krai (retail sale of alcoholic beverages, including beer, in specialized stores; wholesale of beer and 1 type of operations more).

Previously Mikaelian M. A. was specified in the details of organizations, registered in the Kamchatka Krai: other sale trade outside shops, stalls, markets; wholesale of fish, crustaceans and mollusks, canned and preserved fish and seafood and 1 type of operations more region.

Mikaelian M. A. is a sole proprietor

Company Head, CEO

Mikaelian M. A. is the head (a person entitled to act on behalf of a legal entity without a power of attorney) of organizations:

  1. OOO "GRADUS M" (general manager since 12/02/2021).
  2. OOO "PIVGRAD" (general manager since 12/06/2016).

Previously Mikaelian M. A. was a manager in the organizations:

Founder Mikaelian M. A.

Mikaelian M. A. is the founder of organizations:

  1. OOO "GRADUS M" (since 12/02/2021).
  2. OOO "PIVGRAD" (since 12/06/2016).
  3. OOO "BIORAIZ KAMCHATKA" (since 04/12/2023).

Previously Mikaelian M. A. was a founder of the organizations:

Operating as a Sole Entrepreneur

Mikaelian Mikael Ashotovich is registered in the registry as sole-proprietor, belongs to the category of micro-enterprises.

Sole Entrepreneur Mikaelian Mikael Ashotovich

TIN 410116824406
OGRNIP 304410136200021 dated 27 December 2004
Location Kamchatskii krai, g. Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskii
Registration date 27 December 2004
Citizenship Russian Federation
Gender male

Main activity: Retail sale predominantly of food products, including beverages, and tobacco products in non-specialized stores (OKVED code 47.11).

Additionally, the following activities were declared:

46.32 Wholesale of meat and meat products (since 09/24/2020)
46.33 Wholesale of dairy products, eggs and edible oils and fats (since 09/24/2020)
46.34 Wholesale of drinks (since 09/24/2020)
46.35 Wholesale of tobacco products (since 09/24/2020)
46.36 Wholesale of sugar, chocolate and sugar confectionery (since 09/24/2020)
show 13 more

Tax authority that carries out registration at the place of residence and in which the individual entrepreneur is registered: Upravlenie Federalnoi nalogovoi sluzhby po Kamchatskomu kraiu (tax office code – 4100). Date of registration with the tax authority: 12/14/2020.

Registration number in the Pension Fund: 051001053300 from 14 January 2005.

Registration number in the Federal Social Insurance Fund: 410002813041003 from 4 October 2018.

Latest changes in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs:

  1. 12/14/2020. Representation of information about accounting with the tax authority.
  2. 09/24/2020. Change of information about an individual entrepreneur contained in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.
  3. 08/05/2020. Change of information about an individual entrepreneur contained in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.
  4. 10/05/2018. Submission of information on registration as an insurer in the executive body of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation.
  5. 05/18/2016. Inclusion in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs of information on the re-issuance of a certificate.
show 5 more

More Information

Register of Support Recipients

Individual entrepreneur MIKAELIAN MIKAEL ASHOTOVICH is listed in the register of recipients of state support:

DateAuthority providing supportSupport typeSupport sizeViolations
Period: 18.03.2025
Based on: Resolution No. 1764 of 30.12.2018 of the Government of the Russian Federation "On Approval of the Rules for Granting Subsidies from the Federal Budget to Russian Credit Organizations and Specialized Financial Companies in Order to Compensate for their Lost Income on Loans Issued in 2019-2024 to Small and Medium-sized Businesses, as well as Individuals Applying a Special Tax Regime "Tax on professional income", at a preferential rate"
Financial support. Provision of financing on a returnable basis.
Period: 14.10.2024
MICRO-CREDIT COMPANY KAMCHATKA STATE ENTREPRENEURSHIP SUPPORT FUNDFinancial support. Provision of financing on a returnable basis.
Based on: Resolution No. 1103 of 30.06.2021 of the Government of the Russian Federation "On Approval of the Rules for Granting Subsidies from the Federal Budget to Russian Credit Organizations for Reimbursement of Costs to Small and Medium-Sized Businesses for Payment of Bank Commissions when Transferring Funds by Individuals in Favor of Small and Medium-sized Businesses to Pay for Goods (Works, Services) in the Fast Payment service payment system of the Bank of Russia"
Financial support. Provision of subsidies and grants.
Based on: Resolution No. 1103 of 30.06.2021 of the Government of the Russian Federation "On Approval of the Rules for Granting Subsidies from the Federal Budget to Russian Credit Organizations for Reimbursement of Costs to Small and Medium-Sized Businesses for Payment of Bank Commissions when Transferring Funds by Individuals in Favor of Small and Medium-sized Businesses to Pay for Goods (Works, Services) in the Fast Payment service payment system of the Bank of Russia"
Financial support. Provision of subsidies and grants.
ANO "KAMCHATKA ENTREPRENEURSHIP SUPPORT CENTER"Financial support. Provision of subsidies and grants.
Based on: Resolution No. 1103 of 30.06.2021 of the Government of the Russian Federation "On Approval of the Rules for Granting Subsidies from the Federal Budget to Russian Credit Organizations for Reimbursement of Costs to Small and Medium-Sized Businesses for Payment of Bank Commissions when Transferring Funds by Individuals in Favor of Small and Medium-sized Businesses to Pay for Goods (Works, Services) in the Fast Payment service payment system of the Bank of Russia"
Financial support. Provision of subsidies and grants.
MINISTRY OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATIONFinancial support. Provision of guarantees and sureties.
Period: 04.10.2022
MICRO-CREDIT COMPANY KAMCHATKA STATE ENTREPRENEURSHIP SUPPORT FUNDFinancial support. Provision of financing on a returnable basis.
Period: 29.09.2022
MICRO-CREDIT COMPANY KAMCHATKA STATE ENTREPRENEURSHIP SUPPORT FUNDFinancial support. Provision of financing on a returnable basis.

According to the data contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the following indirect links with Russian organizations, their heads and founders can be traced. Please note that the links may be of a formal nature and do not necessarily indicate real contacts of these persons. When establishing the connection, not only the match of the surname, first name and patronymic, but also the TIN of the individual was taken into account.

* The date of change in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (Individual Entrepreneurs) is shown (may be different from the actual date).

Sources of Information

The data presented on this page have been obtained from official sources: the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE), the State Information Resource for Financial Statements, the website of the Federal Tax Service (FTS), the Ministry of Finance and the Federal State Statistics Service.

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