Task Analysis
Definition of Task Analysis
Task Analysis is the recognition of the prime elements of any given job and then understanding the skills required to make sure that the job is done with perfect outcome. This information is essential for the human resource management department, as it will allow them to plan objectives and help in organizing training programs and necessary tools that are required to make sure that the required job is done.
Purpose of Task Analysis
Task analysis is important because it helps in:
1. Analyzing the objective and goals of any institution
2. Explain in detail the many tasks that are a part of completing one major task.
3. Figure out the type of job so that it can be classified according to it.
4. Understand the various outcomes that are possible, and prioritize according to sequence of importance.
5. Analyze different strategies that can be implemented in order to achieve the goals.
6. Provide employees with interactive means to understand the process and learn it
7. Evaluate the process.
Types of Task Analysis
Task analysis procedure differs from one process to the other and one organization to the other. Different jobs require different procedures in order to help an organization decide on the task analysis. Learning a type of task analysis does not guarantee that you know how each type of task analysis works on the information you collect relating to a particular task. Task analysis is generally classified as:
1. Performance analysis
2. Cognitive Task Analysis
3. Content analysis
4. Learning Analysis
5. Activity Analysis
How is Task Analysis Performed?
Each type of task analysis has five distinctive purposes:
1. Classification of tasks based on the end results. The end result is different with every task.
2. Selecting Tasks – it is important that you analyze how many sub tasks are required to make sure that the final task is complete
3. Creating a list with the number of tasks
4. Identifying each and every task, and then providing a thorough report that would help in achieving end results
Prioritize tasks and sub tasks to aim for better outcome.
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