Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)

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Introduction to doctor of business administration

Abbreviated as DBA or D.B.A, and equivalent to PhD in Business Administration, the degree of Doctor of Business Administration can be referred as research doctorate in business administration. The DBA calls for research and coursework afar the masters degree which usually results in an exposition and potential journal publication which contributes to business practice.

Purpose and recognition

The Doctor of Business Administration is generally the same as PhD in Business Administration, except for the fact that it is more inclined towards applied research as compared to the theoretical research, particularly during the thesis writing phase. The section of the program that contains coursework can be compared to that of a PhD. However, it should be noted that the larger portion of the program, including independent research and writing of a thesis, is geared towards more applied research in DBA programs, along with the research contributing directly to the business operations.

In simple words, the Doctor of Business Administration aims at applying theory to various business problems.

Structure and format of DBA Programs

The usual entry requirements comprise of MBA, M.Sc., or an equivalent master’s degree, or similar qualifications in general management, or in any functional field by examination granted by a professional body. A number of universities also demand considerable experience in a professional or managerial supervisory position involving responsibility for strategic issues. Generally, the DBA calls for a significant thesis, dissertation or final comprehensive project together with a formal defense and approval by designated examiners or an officially authorized and qualified doctoral review committee. The degree is awarded when all coursework, testing, and written research are accomplished and reviewed and accepted by the awarding institution.

The candidates for DBA can specialize in areas like management science, organizational behavior, technology management, economics, or finance, or similar other practical fields.

Contribution of DBA

The choice of DBA is applicable for those taking into consideration a doctorate and its contribution. The DBA has been projected for students wishing to continue a career in the profession as well. An archetypal DBA program serves a dual purpose:

1. contributing both theory as well as practice related to business and management

2. developing professional practice in addition to contributing to professional knowledge 

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