Receivables turnover (days) - breakdown by industry

The receivable turnover ratio determines how quickly a company collects outstanding cash balances from its customers during an accounting period.
Calculation: Net receivable sales/ Average accounts receivables, or in days: 365 / Receivables Turnover Ratio. More about receivables turnover (days).

Number of U.S. listed companies included in the calculation: 3085 (year 2023).

Ratio: Receivables turnover (days)     Measure of center:

Industry title Year
2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
All Industries 170 34713 669 168 -97
01 - Agricultural Production Crops 139 11 77 68 47
02 - Agriculture production livestock and animal specialties 33 1672 209 34 461
07 - Agricultural Services 41 35 35 300 31
08 - Forestry - - - - 14 20
09 - Fishing, hunting, and trapping 247 - 146 114 335
10 - Metal Mining 91 287 41 82 50
12 - Coal Mining 33 40 47 35 29
13 - Oil And Gas Extraction 54 189 23 75 1520
14 - Mining And Quarrying Of Nonmetallic Minerals, Except Fuels 87 939 103 56 45
15 - Building Construction General Contractors And Operative Builders 78 83 49 40 38
16 - Heavy Construction Other Than Building Construction Contractors 54 52 54 53 55
17 - Construction Special Trade Contractors 71 56 54 47 46
20 - Food And Kindred Products 85 40 41 33 12406
21 - Tobacco Products 15 16 17 13 30
22 - Textile Mill Products 37 41 49 44 41
23 - Apparel And Other Finished Products Made From Fabrics And Similar Materials 44 46 110 52 42
24 - Lumber And Wood Products, Except Furniture 30 29 32 31 30
25 - Furniture And Fixtures 26 27 30 274 43
26 - Paper And Allied Products 47 72 79 72 68
27 - Printing, Publishing, And Allied Industries 44 49 50 49 -97794
28 - Chemicals And Allied Products 385 413 3481 395 626
29 - Petroleum Refining And Related Industries 30 27 38 29 32
30 - Rubber And Miscellaneous Plastics Products 40 43 48 48 1671
31 - Leather And Leather Products 31 36 47 35 100
32 - Stone, Clay, Glass, And Concrete Products 69 52 60 54 76
33 - Primary Metal Industries 58 47 265 100 -4034
34 - Fabricated Metal Products, Except Machinery And Transportation Equipment 53 54 56 51 52
35 - Industrial And Commercial Machinery And Computer Equipment 74 70 99 78 70
36 - Electronic And Other Electrical Equipment And Components, Except Computer Equipment 91 63 -154 244 1039
37 - Transportation Equipment 73 78 64 48 66
38 - Measuring, Analyzing, And Controlling Instruments; Photographic, Medical And Optical Goods; Watches And Clocks 75 79 337 412 102
39 - Miscellaneous Manufacturing Industries 55 57 68 60 65
40 - Railroad Transportation 30 27 29 30 33
42 - Motor Freight Transportation And Warehousing 43 44 45 44 41
44 - Water Transportation 55 106 62 48 62
45 - Transportation By Air 19 23 38 22 33
46 - Pipelines, Except Natural Gas 36 33 40 33 81
47 - Transportation Services 93 101 120 54 80
48 - Communications 67 56 64 54 96
49 - Electric, Gas, And Sanitary Services 95 121 1501 86 78
50 - Wholesale Trade-durable Goods 120 391 47 161 75
51 - Wholesale Trade-non-durable Goods 38 97 48 45 600
52 - Building Materials, Hardware, Garden Supply, And Mobile Home Dealers 28 27 32 33 672
53 - General Merchandise Stores 3 3 4 3 3
54 - Food Stores 5 4 28 7 182
55 - Automotive Dealers And Gasoline Service Stations 45 31 35 30 25
56 - Apparel And Accessory Stores 10 11 10 9 233
57 - Home Furniture, Furnishings, And Equipment Stores 24 22 38 7 445
58 - Eating And Drinking Places 20 27 23 17 21
59 - Miscellaneous Retail -36 40 47 30 174
60 - Depository Institutions 2484 2030 4535 1587 1369
61 - Non-depository Credit Institutions -72 156 285 422 417
62 - Security And Commodity Brokers, Dealers, Exchanges, And Services 47 4850872 4374 29 28
63 - Insurance Carriers 64 198 53 43 15
64 - Insurance Agents, Brokers, And Service 50 49 61 59 57
65 - Real Estate 45 26 64 94 175
67 - Holding And Other Investment Offices 25 109 80 61 5
70 - Hotels, Rooming Houses, Camps, And Other Lodging Places 27 27 43 36 26
72 - Personal Services 7846 1059 -34 35 35
73 - Business Services 104 63 68 109 373
75 - Automotive Repair, Services, And Parking 33 48 31 31 25
76 - Miscellaneous Repair Services 82 81 95 81 53
78 - Motion Pictures 40 51 115 69 136
79 - Amusement And Recreation Services 49 106 44 28 103
80 - Health Services 313 117 109 80 2946
81 - Legal Services 80 74 79 82 76
82 - Educational Services -39 38 50 36 72
83 - Social Services 39 44 93 658 24
87 - Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management, And Related Services 69 61 87 191 390
89 - Miscellaneous Services 59 84 76 82 69
99 - Nonclassifiable Establishments - - - - - -

These ratios are calculated for publicly traded U.S. companies that submit financial statements to the SEC. Hover over the ratio value in the table to see the exact number of companies included in the calculation.

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