Item | Type | Period | Balance | Description | Loss Contingency, Pending Claims, Number | | instant | | Number of pending claims pertaining to a loss contingency. |
Loss Contingency, New Claims Filed, Number | | duration | | The total number of new claims filed pertaining to a loss contingency during the period. |
Loss Contingency, Claims Settled and Dismissed, Number | | duration | | The number of claims settled and dismissed during the period. |
Loss Contingency, Number of Plaintiffs | | duration | | Number of plaintiffs that have filed claims pertaining to a loss contingency. |
Loss Contingency, Quantities, Patents | text | | | |
Loss Contingency, Claims Settled, Number | | duration | | Number of claims settled. |
Loss Contingency, Claims Dismissed, Number | | duration | | Number of claims dismissed. |
Loss Contingency, Patents Allegedly Infringed, Number | | duration | | Number of another entity's patents that the entity has allegedly infringed. |
Loss Contingency, Patents Found Infringed, Number | | duration | | Number of another entity's patents that the entity was found to have infringed. |
Loss Contingency, Patents Found Not Infringed, Number | | duration | | Number of another entity's patents that the entity was found not to have infringed. |