Item | Type | Period | Balance | Description | Debt Disclosure | text | | | |
Debt Disclosure | | duration | | The entire disclosure for information about short-term and long-term debt arrangements, which includes amounts of borrowings under each line of credit, note payable, commercial paper issue, bonds indenture, debenture issue, own-share lending arrangements and any other contractual agreement to repay funds, and about the underlying arrangements, rationale for a classification as long-term, including repayment terms, interest rates, collateral provided, restrictions on use of assets and activities, whether or not in compliance with debt covenants, and other matters important to users of the financial statements, such as the effects of refinancing and noncompliance with debt covenants. |
Table Text Block Supplement | text | | | |
Short-Term Debt | | duration | | The entire disclosure for short-term debt. |
Line of Credit Facility | text | | | |
Long-Term Debt | | duration | | The entire disclosure for long-term debt. |
Extinguishment of Debt Disclosures | text | | | |
Troubled Debt Restructuring Note, Debtor | text | | | |
Obligation with Joint and Several Liability Arrangement | text | | | |
Schedule of Participating Mortgage Loans | | duration | | Tabular disclosure of the terms and amounts of participation in loan arrangements. |
Interest Costs Incurred | text | | | |
Accumulated Capitalized Interest Costs | $ | instant | debit | Amount of accumulated interest costs capitalized as part of property, plant and equipment cost basis. |
Own-share Lending Arrangement | text | | | |
Mortgage Notes Payable Disclosure | | duration | | The entire disclosure for mortgage notes payable. |
Debt Issuance Costs, Line of Credit Arrangements, Net | text | | | |
Schedule of Maturities of Long-Term Debt | | duration | | Tabular disclosure of maturity and sinking fund requirement for long-term debt. |
Schedule of Debt | | duration | | Tabular disclosure of information pertaining to short-term and long-debt instruments or arrangements, including but not limited to identification of terms, features, collateral requirements and other information necessary to a fair presentation. |
Convertible Debt | | duration | | Tabular disclosure of convertible debt instrument. Includes, but is not limited to, principal amount and amortized premium or discount. |
Schedule of Carrying Values and Estimated Fair Values of Debt Instruments | | duration | | Tabular disclosure of information pertaining to carrying amount and estimated fair value of short-term and long-term debt instruments or arrangements, including but not limited to, identification of terms, features, and collateral requirements. |
Short-Term Debt, Description | text | | | Information about borrowings which initially required repayment in less than twelve months (or normal operating cycle, if longer) after its issuance and that does not otherwise qualify as long-term debt. It typically is comprised of borrowings under letters of credit, lines of credit, commercial paper, and notes payable of short duration. Disclosures include amounts of borrowings under each arrangement, description of underlying arrangements, including repayment terms, interest rates, collateral provided, restrictions on use of assets and activities, whether or not in compliance with debt covenants, and other matters important to users of the financial statements such as the effects of refinancings and noncompliance with debt covenants. |
Schedule of Short-Term Debt | | duration | | Tabular disclosure of short-term debt arrangements (having initial terms of repayment within one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer) including: (1) description of the short-term debt arrangement; (2) identification of the lender or type of lender; (3) repayment terms; (4) weighted average interest rate; (5) carrying amount of funds borrowed under the specified short-term debt arrangement as of the balance sheet date; (6) description of the refinancing of a short-term obligation when that obligation is excluded from current liabilities in the balance sheet; and (7) amount of a short-term obligation that has been excluded from current liabilities in the balance sheet because of a refinancing of the obligation. |
Short-Term Debt, Other Disclosure | text | | | |
Schedule of Line of Credit Facilities | | duration | | Tabular disclosure of short-term or long-term contractual arrangements with lenders, including letters of credit, standby letters of credit, and revolving credit arrangements, under which borrowings can be made up to maximum amount as of any point in time conditional on satisfaction of specified terms before, as of and after the date of drawdowns on the line. |
Long-Term Debt, Description | text | | | Description of long-term debt arrangements, which are debt arrangements that originally require full repayment more than twelve months after issuance or greater than the normal operating cycle of the company, if longer, and disclosures pertaining to the underlying arrangements, including repayment terms, conversion features, interest rates, restrictions on assets and activities, debt covenants, and other matters important to users of the financial statements. Types of long-term debt arrangements include borrowing under notes payable, bonds payable, debentures, term loans, and other contractual obligations for payment. |
Long-Term Debt, by Current and Noncurrent | text | | | |
Long-Term Debt, by Type Alternative | text | | | |
Debt Instruments | text | | | |
Maturities of Long-Term Debt | text | | | |
Long-Term Debt, Other Disclosure | text | | | |
Long-Term Debt and Lease Obligation, Including Current Maturities | text | | | |
Debt Issuance Costs, Net, Alternative | text | | | |
Schedule of Extinguishment of Debt | | duration | | Tabular disclosure of debt extinguished which may include, amount of gain (loss), the income tax effect and the per share amount of the aggregate gain (loss), net of the related income tax. |
Summary of Troubled Debt Restructuring Note, Debtor | | duration | | Tabular disclosure of troubled debt restructuring which results when the debtor restructures the terms of its debt with a creditor due to the debtor's financial difficulties and the creditor grants certain concessions to obtain payment it might not otherwise receive. Includes a description of the principal changes in terms, the major features of settlement for each restructuring, the aggregate gain on restructuring and the related income tax effect, the per share amount of the total gain on restructuring, net of related income tax effect, and the total gain (loss) on transfers of assets recognized during the period. After the troubled debt restructuring has occurred debtors discuss the extent and amount to which amounts contingently payable are included in the carrying amount of restructured payables, and the conditions under which those amounts would become payable or would be forgiven when there is at least a reasonable possibility that a liability for contingent payments will be incurred. |
Obligation with Joint and Several Liability Arrangement | | duration | | Tabular disclosure of contractual obligation or group of similar obligations with joint and several liability for which the total amount of the obligation is fixed, including but not limited to, debt arrangements, settled litigation, and judicial rulings. |
Participating Mortgage Loans | text | | | A table or schedule that describes the terms of and includes the amount of a participation in a loan arrangement. |
Interest Expense, Debt | text | | | |
Capitalized Interest Costs, Including Allowance for Funds Used During Construction | text | | | |
Interest Costs Incurred, Total | $ | duration | debit | Total interest costs incurred during the period and either capitalized or charged against earnings. |
Own-share Lending Arrangement, Description | text | | | A description of any outstanding share-lending arrangement on the entity's own stock including all significant terms such as the number of shares lent, the term of the arrangement, the circumstances under which cash settlement would be required, and any requirements for the counterparty (share borrower) to provide collateral. |
Own-share Lending Arrangement, Reasons | text | | | Describes the entity's reasons for entering into an own-share lending arrangement, in contemplation of a convertible debt offering or other financing. |
Own-share Lending Arrangement, Shares, Outstanding | text | | | |
Own-share Lending Arrangement, Earnings Per Share, Treatment | text | | | Describes the entity's treatment of shares outstanding, in an own-share lending arrangement in contemplation of a convertible debt offering or other financing, for purposes of calculating earnings per share. |
Deferred Finance Costs, Own-share Lending Arrangement, Issuance Costs, Net | text | | | |
Deferred Finance Costs, Own-share Lending Arrangement, Issuance Costs, Accumulated Amortization | text | | | A roll forward is a reconciliation of a concept from the beginning of a period to the end of a period. |
Own-share Lending Arrangement, Dividends, Not Reimbursed | $ | duration | debit | The amount of dividends paid to holders of record of shares of the entity's stock associated with an own-share lending arrangement in contemplation of a convertible debt offering or other financing, which will not be reimbursed by the counterparty (share borrower) to the arrangement. |
Own-share Lending Arrangement, Counterparty Default | text | | | |
Debt Issuance Costs, Line of Credit Arrangements, Gross | $ | instant | debit | Amount, before accumulated amortization, of debt issuance costs related to line of credit arrangements. Includes, but is not limited to, legal, accounting, underwriting, printing, and registration costs. |
Accumulated Amortization of Debt Issuance Costs, Line of Credit Arrangements | $ | instant | credit | Amount of accumulated amortization of debt issuance costs related to line of credit arrangements. |
Debt Issuance Costs, Line of Credit Arrangements, Net, Total | $ | instant | debit | Amount, after accumulated amortization, of debt issuance costs related to line of credit arrangements. Includes, but is not limited to, legal, accounting, underwriting, printing, and registration costs. |