Item | Type | Period | Balance | Description | | | | | |
Supplementary Insurance Information Abstract | | | | |
Supplementary Insurance Information For Insurance Companies Disclosure Text Block | | | | |
Supplementary Insurance Information By Segment Table | | | | |
Segments | text | | | Information by business segments. |
Supplementary Insurance Information By Segment Line Items | | | | |
Segments | | duration | | Components of an entity that engage in business activities from which they may earn revenue and incur expenses, including transactions with other components of the same entity. |
SEC Schedule, 12-16, Insurance Companies, Supplementary Insurance Information, Deferred Policy Acquisition Cost | $ | instant | debit | Amount of deferred policy acquisition cost capitalized on contract remaining in force, as disclosed in supplementary insurance information. |
SEC Schedule, 12-16, Insurance Companies, Supplementary Insurance Information, Liability for Future Policy Benefit, Loss, Claim and Loss Expense | $ | instant | credit | Amount of reserve for future policy claim payable and loss expense to be incurred, disclosed in supplementary insurance information. |
SEC Schedule, 12-16, Insurance Companies, Supplementary Insurance Information, Unearned Premium | $ | instant | credit | Amount of premium not yet earned, disclosed in supplementary insurance information. |
SEC Schedule, 12-16, Insurance Companies, Supplementary Insurance Information, Other Policy Claim and Benefit Payable | $ | instant | credit | Amount of claim and benefit payable classified as other, disclosed in supplementary insurance information. |
SEC Schedule, 12-16, Insurance Companies, Supplementary Insurance Information, Premium Revenue | $ | duration | credit | Amount of premium revenue earned, disclosed in supplementary insurance information. |
SEC Schedule, 12-16, Insurance Companies, Supplementary Insurance Information, Net Investment Income | $ | duration | credit | Amount of net investment income earned, disclosed in supplementary insurance information. |
SEC Schedule, 12-16, Insurance Companies, Supplementary Insurance Information, Benefit, Claim, Loss and Settlement Expenses | $ | duration | debit | Amount of insurance benefit, claim, loss and settlement expenses incurred, as disclosed in supplementary insurance information. |
SEC Schedule, 12-16, Insurance Companies, Supplementary Insurance Information, Amortization of Deferred Policy Acquisition Cost | $ | duration | debit | Amount of amortization of deferred policy acquisition cost recognized, as disclosed in supplementary insurance information. |
SEC Schedule, 12-16, Insurance Companies, Supplementary Insurance Information, Other Operating Expense | $ | duration | debit | Amount of operating expense classified as other, disclosed in supplementary insurance information. |
SEC Schedule, 12-16, Insurance Companies, Supplementary Insurance Information, Premium Written | $ | duration | credit | Amount, after premiums ceded and assumed, of premium written, disclosed in supplementary insurance information. |