US GAAP Disclosure List


SEC Schedule, Article 12-18, Supplemental Information (for Property-Casualty Insurance Underwriters)

Supplemental Information For Property Casualty Insurance Underwriters Abstract
Schedule Of Supplemental Information For Property Casualty Insurance Underwriters Text Block
Supplemental Information For Property Casualty Insurance Underwriters Table
Supplemental Information For Property Casualty Insurance Underwriters By Affiliation With Registrant Axis
Range Axis
Supplemental Information For Property Casualty Insurance Underwriters Line Items
Property Casualty Insurance Underwriters Affiliation With Registrant Domain
Range Member
SEC Schedule, 12-18, Supplemental Information, Property-Casualty Insurance Underwriters, Deferred Policy Acquisition Cost$instantdebitAmount of deferred policy acquisition cost related to property-casualty insurance policy written.
SEC Schedule, 12-18, Supplemental Information, Property-Casualty Insurance Underwriters, Reserve for Unpaid Claim and Claim Adjustment Expense$instantcreditAmount of reserve, policy claim payable and loss expense incurred by property-casualty insurance underwriter.
SEC Schedule, 12-18, Supplemental Information, Property-Casualty Insurance Underwriters, Discount Deducted from Reserve$instantdebitAmount of discount deducted from reserve for unpaid claim and claim adjustment expense by property-casualty insurance underwriter.
SEC Schedule, 12-18, Supplemental Information, Property-Casualty Insurance Underwriters, Unearned Premium$instantcreditAmount of premium written but not yet earned by property-casualty insurance underwriter.
SEC Schedule, 12-18, Supplemental Information, Property-Casualty Insurance Underwriters, Earned Premium$durationcreditAmount of premium revenue earned by property-casualty insurance underwriter.
SEC Schedule, 12-18, Supplemental Information, Property-Casualty Insurance Underwriters, Net Investment Income$durationcreditAmount of net investment income earned by property-casualty insurance underwriter.
SEC Schedule, 12-18, Supplemental Information, Property-Casualty Insurance Underwriters, Current Year Claim and Claim Adjustment Expense$durationdebitAmount, after effect of reinsurance, of expense for claim incurred in current reporting period and related claim settlement cost for property-casualty insurance underwriter.
SEC Schedule, 12-18, Supplemental Information, Property-Casualty Insurance Underwriters, Prior Year Claim and Claim Adjustment Expense$durationdebitAmount, after effect of reinsurance, of expense (reversal of expense) for claim incurred in prior reporting period and related claim settlement cost for property-casualty insurance underwriter.
SEC Schedule, 12-18, Supplemental Information, Property-Casualty Insurance Underwriters, Amortization of Deferred Policy Acquisition Cost$durationdebitAmount of amortization expense on deferred policy acquisition cost for property-casualty insurance underwriter.
SEC Schedule, 12-18, Supplemental Information, Property-Casualty Insurance Underwriters, Paid Claim and Claim Adjustment Expense$durationdebitAmount of loss reported and paid for claim and claim adjustment expense by property-casualty insurance underwriter.
SEC Schedule, 12-18, Supplemental Information, Property-Casualty Insurance Underwriters, Premium Written$durationcreditAmount of premium written by property-casualty insurance underwriter.
SEC Schedule, 12-18, Supplemental Information, Property-Casualty Insurance Underwriters, Interest Rate at which Discount ComputedinstantRate at which discount was computed for deduction from reserve for unpaid claim and claim adjustment expense by property-casualty insurance underwriter.

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