Item | Type | Period | Balance | Description | | | | | |
Supplemental Information For Property Casualty Insurance Underwriters Abstract | | | | |
Schedule Of Supplemental Information For Property Casualty Insurance Underwriters Text Block | | | | |
Supplemental Information For Property Casualty Insurance Underwriters Table | | | | |
Supplemental Information For Property Casualty Insurance Underwriters By Affiliation With Registrant Axis | | | | |
Range Axis | | | | |
Supplemental Information For Property Casualty Insurance Underwriters Line Items | | | | |
Property Casualty Insurance Underwriters Affiliation With Registrant Domain | | | | |
Range Member | | | | |
SEC Schedule, 12-18, Supplemental Information, Property-Casualty Insurance Underwriters, Deferred Policy Acquisition Cost | $ | instant | debit | Amount of deferred policy acquisition cost related to property-casualty insurance policy written. |
SEC Schedule, 12-18, Supplemental Information, Property-Casualty Insurance Underwriters, Reserve for Unpaid Claim and Claim Adjustment Expense | $ | instant | credit | Amount of reserve, policy claim payable and loss expense incurred by property-casualty insurance underwriter. |
SEC Schedule, 12-18, Supplemental Information, Property-Casualty Insurance Underwriters, Discount Deducted from Reserve | $ | instant | debit | Amount of discount deducted from reserve for unpaid claim and claim adjustment expense by property-casualty insurance underwriter. |
SEC Schedule, 12-18, Supplemental Information, Property-Casualty Insurance Underwriters, Unearned Premium | $ | instant | credit | Amount of premium written but not yet earned by property-casualty insurance underwriter. |
SEC Schedule, 12-18, Supplemental Information, Property-Casualty Insurance Underwriters, Earned Premium | $ | duration | credit | Amount of premium revenue earned by property-casualty insurance underwriter. |
SEC Schedule, 12-18, Supplemental Information, Property-Casualty Insurance Underwriters, Net Investment Income | $ | duration | credit | Amount of net investment income earned by property-casualty insurance underwriter. |
SEC Schedule, 12-18, Supplemental Information, Property-Casualty Insurance Underwriters, Current Year Claim and Claim Adjustment Expense | $ | duration | debit | Amount, after effect of reinsurance, of expense for claim incurred in current reporting period and related claim settlement cost for property-casualty insurance underwriter. |
SEC Schedule, 12-18, Supplemental Information, Property-Casualty Insurance Underwriters, Prior Year Claim and Claim Adjustment Expense | $ | duration | debit | Amount, after effect of reinsurance, of expense (reversal of expense) for claim incurred in prior reporting period and related claim settlement cost for property-casualty insurance underwriter. |
SEC Schedule, 12-18, Supplemental Information, Property-Casualty Insurance Underwriters, Amortization of Deferred Policy Acquisition Cost | $ | duration | debit | Amount of amortization expense on deferred policy acquisition cost for property-casualty insurance underwriter. |
SEC Schedule, 12-18, Supplemental Information, Property-Casualty Insurance Underwriters, Paid Claim and Claim Adjustment Expense | $ | duration | debit | Amount of loss reported and paid for claim and claim adjustment expense by property-casualty insurance underwriter. |
SEC Schedule, 12-18, Supplemental Information, Property-Casualty Insurance Underwriters, Premium Written | $ | duration | credit | Amount of premium written by property-casualty insurance underwriter. |
SEC Schedule, 12-18, Supplemental Information, Property-Casualty Insurance Underwriters, Interest Rate at which Discount Computed | | instant | | Rate at which discount was computed for deduction from reserve for unpaid claim and claim adjustment expense by property-casualty insurance underwriter. |