US GAAP Disclosure List


Income (Loss) Attributable to Parent, before Tax

Income (Loss), Including Portion Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest, before Tax text
Income (Loss) Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest, before Tax$durationdebitAmount, before tax, of income (loss) attributable to noncontrolling interest. Includes, but is not limited to, income (loss) from continuing operations, discontinued operations and equity method investments.
Income (Loss) Attributable to Parent, before Tax, Total$durationcreditAmount, before tax, of income (loss) attributable to parent. Includes, but is not limited to, income (loss) from continuing operations, discontinued operations and equity method investments.
Income (Loss) from Continuing Operations before Income Taxes, Noncontrolling Interest text
Discontinued Operation, Income (Loss) from Discontinued Operation, before Income Tax$durationcreditAmount before tax of income (loss) from a discontinued operation. Includes, but is not limited to, the income (loss) from operations during the phase-out period, gain (loss) on disposal, gain (loss) for reversal of write-down (write-down) to fair value, less cost to sell, and adjustments to a prior period gain (loss) on disposal.
Income (Loss), Including Portion Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest, before Tax, Total$durationcreditAmount, before tax, of income (loss) including portion attributable to noncontrolling interest. Includes, but is not limited to, income (loss) from continuing operations, discontinued operations and equity method investments.
Income (Loss) from Continuing Operations before Equity Method Investments, Income Taxes, Noncontrolling Interest text
Income (Loss) from Equity Method Investments$durationcreditAmount of income (loss) for proportionate share of equity method investee's income (loss).
Income (Loss) from Continuing Operations before Income Taxes, Noncontrolling Interest, Total$durationcreditAmount of income (loss) from continuing operations, including income (loss) from equity method investments, before deduction of income tax expense (benefit), and income (loss) attributable to noncontrolling interest.
Operating Income (Loss) text
Nonoperating Income (Expense) text
Interest and Debt Expense text
Income (Loss) from Continuing Operations before Equity Method Investments, Income Taxes, Noncontrolling Interest, Total$durationcreditAmount of income (loss) from continuing operations before deduction of income tax expense (benefit) and income (loss) attributable to noncontrolling interest, and addition of income (loss) from equity method investments.
Gross Profit text
Operating Expenses text
Other Operating Income$durationcreditThe total amount of other operating income, the components of which are not separately disclosed on the income statement, from items that are associated with the entity's normal revenue producing operation.
Operating Income (Loss), Total$durationcreditThe net result for the period of deducting operating expenses from operating revenues.
Nonoperating Gains (Losses) text
Investment Income, Net text
Royalty Income, Nonoperating$durationcreditAncillary revenue earned during the period from the consideration paid to the entity for the use of its rights and property by another party. Examples include licensing the use of copyrighted materials and leasing the extraction of natural resources.
Rental Income, Nonoperating$durationcreditIncome earned by providing the use of assets to an outside party in exchange for a payment or series of payments that is nonoperating in nature.
Development Profits, Nonoperating$durationcreditIncome recognized during the period from participation in unconsolidated joint ventures engaged in real estate development (such as the building upon or otherwise improving property).
Leveraged Leases, Income (Loss), Total$durationcreditThe total recognized during the period for income on leases meeting the criteria for classification as leveraged leases.
Gain (Loss), Foreign Currency Transaction, before Tax, Total$durationcreditAmount, before tax, of realized and unrealized gain (loss) from foreign currency transaction.
Net Periodic Defined Benefits Expense (Reversal of Expense), Excluding Service Cost Component$durationdebitAmount of expense (reversal of expense) for net periodic benefit cost components, excluding service cost component, of defined benefit plan. Amount includes, but is not limited to, interest cost, expected (return) loss on plan asset, amortization of prior service cost (credit), amortization of (gain) loss, amortization of transition (asset) obligation, settlement (gain) loss, curtailment (gain) loss and certain termination benefits.
Other Nonoperating-Asset Related Income$durationcreditAmount of income related to nonoperating assets, classified as other.
Other Nonoperating Income (Expense) text
Nonoperating Income (Expense), Total$durationcreditThe aggregate amount of income or expense from ancillary business-related activities (that is to say, excluding major activities considered part of the normal operations of the business).
Interest Expense text
Gain (Loss) on Extinguishment of Debt text
Induced Conversion of Convertible Debt Expense$durationdebitConsideration given by issuer of convertible debt to provide an incentive for debt holders to convert the debt to equity securities. The expense is equal to the fair value of all securities and other consideration transferred in the transaction in excess of the fair value of securities issuable pursuant to the original conversion terms.
Gains (Losses) on Restructuring of Debt$durationcreditFor a debtor, the aggregate gain (loss) recognized on the restructuring of payables arises from the difference between the book value of the debt before the restructuring and the fair value of the payments on the debt after restructuring is complete.
Gain (Loss) on Repurchase of Debt Instrument$durationcreditAmount of gain (loss) from the difference between the repurchase price of a debt instrument initially issued by the entity and the net carrying amount of the debt at the time of its repurchase.
Distributions on Mandatorily Redeemable Securities$durationcreditAmount of distributions during the period on mandatorily redeemable securities.
Interest and Debt Expense, Total$durationdebitInterest and debt related expenses associated with nonoperating financing activities of the entity.

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