IFRS Disclosure Guide

45. Notes - Employee benefits

Disclosure of employee benefits

 Year 2024
Disclosure of defined contribution plansother
Post-employment benefit expense, defined contribution plans 

Disclosure of information about defined benefit plans

Disclosure of defined benefit plans
Defined benefit plansnoneGeographical areasnoneCharacteristics of defined benefit plansnoneRegulatory environmentsnoneSegmentsnoneFunding arrangements of defined benefit plansnoneMaturitynone
Defined benefit plans other than multi-employer plans, state plans and plans that share risks between entities under common controlnoneMulti-employer defined benefit plansnoneState defined benefit plansnoneDefined benefit plans that share risks between entities under common controlnonePension defined benefit plansnonePost-employment medical defined benefit plansnoneReportable segmentsnoneWholly unfunded defined benefit plansnoneWholly or partly funded defined benefit plansnone
Flat salary pension defined benefit plansnoneFinal salary pension defined benefit plansnone
At 31.12.2024: 
Surplus (deficit) in plan 
Defined benefit obligation, at present value             
Plan assets, at fair value             
Surplus (deficit) in plan{"DefinedBenefitObligationAtPresentValue":"-1.0","PlanAssetsAtFairValue":"1.0"}real[]             
For the year 2024: 
Post-employment benefit expense in profit or loss, defined benefit plans 
Administration costs not reflected in return on plan assets, defined benefit plans             
Current service cost, defined benefit plans             
Interest expense (income), defined benefit plans 
Interest expense, defined benefit plans             
Interest income, defined benefit plans             
Interest expense (income), defined benefit plans{"InterestExpenseDefinedBenefitPlans":"1.0","InterestIncomeDefinedBenefitPlans":"-1.0"}real[]             
Past service cost and losses (gains) arising from settlements, defined benefit plans 
Past service cost, defined benefit plans             
Gains (losses) arising from settlements, defined benefit plans             
Total past service cost and losses (gains) arising from settlements, defined benefit plans{"PastServiceCostDefinedBenefitPlans":"1.0","GainsLossesArisingFromSettlementsDefinedBenefitPlans":"-1.0"}real[]             
Total post-employment benefit expense in profit or loss, defined benefit plans{"AdministrationCostsNotReflectedInReturnOnPlanAssetsDefinedBenefitPlans":"1.0","CurrentServiceCostDefinedBenefitPlans":"1.0","InterestExpenseIncomeDefinedBenefitPlans":"1.0","PastServiceCostAndLossesGainsArisingFromSettlementsDefinedBenefitPlans":"1.0"}real{"1":"InterestExpenseIncomeDefinedBenefitPlans","2":"PastServiceCostAndLossesGainsArisingFromSettlementsDefinedBenefitPlans"}             
Other comprehensive income, net of tax, gains (losses) on remeasurements of defined benefit plans 
Return on plan assets excluding interest income or expense, net of tax, defined benefit plans             
Actuarial gains (losses) arising from changes in demographic assumptions, net of tax, defined benefit plans             
Actuarial gains (losses) arising from changes in financial assumptions, net of tax, defined benefit plans             
Actuarial gains (losses) arising from experience adjustments, net of tax, defined benefit plans             
Gains (losses) on changes in effect of limiting net defined benefit asset to asset ceiling excluding interest income or expense, net of tax, defined benefit plans             
Total other comprehensive income, net of tax, gains (losses) on remeasurements of defined benefit plans{"ReturnOnPlanAssetsExcludingInterestIncomeOrExpenseNetOfTaxDefinedBenefitPlans":"1.0","ActuarialGainsLossesArisingFromChangesInDemographicAssumptionsNetOfTaxDefinedBenefitPlans":"1.0","ActuarialGainsLossesArisingFromChangesInFinancialAssumptionsNetOfTaxDefinedBenefitPlans":"1.0","ActuarialGainsLossesArisingFromExperienceAdjustmentsNetOfTaxDefinedBenefitPlans":"1.0","GainsLossesOnChangesInEffectOfLimitingNetDefinedBenefitAssetToAssetCeilingExcludingInterestIncomeOrExpenseNetOfTaxDefinedBenefitPlans":"1.0"}real[]             
Other comprehensive income, before tax, gains (losses) on remeasurements of defined benefit plans 
Return on plan assets excluding interest income or expense, before tax, defined benefit plans             
Actuarial gains (losses) arising from changes in demographic assumptions, before tax, defined benefit plans             
Actuarial gains (losses) arising from changes in financial assumptions, before tax, defined benefit plans             
Actuarial gains (losses) arising from experience adjustments, before tax, defined benefit plans             
Gains (losses) on changes in effect of limiting net defined benefit asset to asset ceiling excluding interest income or expense, before tax, defined benefit plans             
Total other comprehensive income, before tax, gains (losses) on remeasurements of defined benefit plans{"ReturnOnPlanAssetsExcludingInterestIncomeOrExpenseBeforeTaxDefinedBenefitPlans":"1.0","ActuarialGainsLossesArisingFromChangesInDemographicAssumptionsBeforeTaxDefinedBenefitPlans":"1.0","ActuarialGainsLossesArisingFromChangesInFinancialAssumptionsBeforeTaxDefinedBenefitPlans":"1.0","ActuarialGainsLossesArisingFromExperienceAdjustmentsBeforeTaxDefinedBenefitPlans":"1.0","GainsLossesOnChangesInEffectOfLimitingNetDefinedBenefitAssetToAssetCeilingExcludingInterestIncomeOrExpenseBeforeTaxDefinedBenefitPlans":"1.0"}real[]             
At 31.12.2024: 
Entity's own financial instruments included in fair value of plan assets             
Property occupied by entity included in fair value of plan assets             
Other assets used by entity included in fair value of plan assets             
Actuarial assumption of discount ratesotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherother
Actuarial assumption of expected rates of salary increasesotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherother
Actuarial assumption of medical cost trend ratesotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherother
Actuarial assumption of expected rates of pension increasesotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherother
Actuarial assumption of expected rates of inflationotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherother
Actuarial assumption of mortality ratesX.XX.XX.XX.XX.XX.XX.XX.XX.XX.XX.XX.XX.X
For the year 2024: 
Actuarial assumption of retirement ageotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherother
Actuarial assumption of life expectancy after retirementotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherother
At 31.12.2024: 
Other material actuarial assumptionsotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherother
For the year 2024: 
Estimate of contributions expected to be paid to plan for next annual reporting period             
Disclosure of information about maturity profile of defined benefit obligationotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherother
Weighted average duration of defined benefit obligationotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherother
Estimate of benefit payments expected to be paid from defined benefit plan             
At 31.12.2024: 
Level of participation of entity compared with other participating entitiesotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherother
For the year 2024: 
Description of policy for determining contribution of defined benefit plans that share risks between entities under common controlotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherother

Defined benefit plans & Geographical areas & Characteristics of defined benefit plans & Regulatory environments & Segments & Funding arrangements of defined benefit plans & Maturity:
  • Description of type of plan
    • Description of nature of benefits provided by plan
    • Description of regulatory framework in which plan operates
    • Description of effect of regulatory framework on plan
    • Description of any other entity's responsibilities for governance of plan
  • Description of risks to which plan exposes entity
  • Description of significant concentrations of risk related to plan
  • Description of plan amendments, curtailments and settlements
  • Description of link between reimbursement right and related obligation
  • Description of how entity determined maximum economic benefit available
  • Description of asset-liability matching strategies used by plan or entity to manage risk
  • Description of funding arrangements and funding policy that affect future contributions
  • Description of extent to which entity can be liable to multi-employer or state plan for other entities' obligations
  • Description of agreed allocation of deficit or surplus of multi-employer or state plan on wind-up of plan
  • Description of agreed allocation of deficit or surplus of multi-employer or state plan on entity's withdrawal from plan
  • Description of fact that multi-employer or state plan is defined benefit plan
  • Description of reason why sufficient information is not available to account for multi-employer or state plan as defined benefit plan
  • Description of information about surplus or deficit of multi-employer or state plan
  • Description of basis used to determine surplus or deficit of multi-employer or state plan
  • Description of implications of surplus or deficit on multi-employer or state plan for entity
  • Description of contractual agreement or stated policy for charging net defined benefit cost
  • Description of cross-reference to disclosures about plans that share risks between entities under common control in another group entity's financial statements

Disclosure of net defined benefit liability (asset)
Defined benefit plansnoneGeographical areasnoneCharacteristics of defined benefit plansnoneRegulatory environmentsnoneSegmentsnoneFunding arrangements of defined benefit plansnoneNet defined benefit liability (asset)none
Defined benefit plans other than multi-employer plans, state plans and plans that share risks between entities under common controlnoneMulti-employer defined benefit plansnoneState defined benefit plansnoneDefined benefit plans that share risks between entities under common controlnonePension defined benefit plansnonePost-employment medical defined benefit plansnoneReportable segmentsnoneWholly unfunded defined benefit plansnoneWholly or partly funded defined benefit plansnonePresent value of defined benefit obligationnonePlan assetsnoneEffect of asset ceilingnone
Flat salary pension defined benefit plansnoneFinal salary pension defined benefit plansnone
For the year 2024: 
Changes in net defined benefit liability (asset) 
Changes in net defined benefit liability (asset) resulting from expense (income) in profit or loss 
Increase (decrease) in net defined benefit liability (asset) resulting from administration costs not reflected in return on plan assets               
Increase in net defined benefit liability (asset) resulting from current service cost               
Increase (decrease) in net defined benefit liability (asset) resulting from interest expense (income)               
Past service cost and gains (losses) arising from settlements, net defined benefit liability (asset) 
Increase (decrease) in net defined benefit liability (asset) resulting from past service cost               
Decrease (increase) in net defined benefit liability (asset) resulting from gains (losses) arising from settlements               
Increase (decrease) in net defined benefit liability (asset) resulting from past service cost and losses (gains) arising from settlements{"PastServiceCostNetDefinedBenefitLiabilityAsset":"1.0","GainsLossesArisingFromSettlementsNetDefinedBenefitLiabilityAsset":"-1.0"}real[]               
Total increase (decrease) in net defined benefit liability (asset) resulting from expense (income) in profit or loss{"IncreaseDecreaseInNetDefinedBenefitLiabilityAssetResultingFromAdministrationCostsNotReflectedInReturnOnPlanAssets":"1.0","CurrentServiceCostNetDefinedBenefitLiabilityAsset":"1.0","InterestExpenseIncomeNetDefinedBenefitLiabilityAsset":"1.0","PastServiceCostAndGainsLossesArisingFromSettlementsNetDefinedBenefitLiabilityAsset":"1.0"}real["PastServiceCostAndGainsLossesArisingFromSettlementsNetDefinedBenefitLiabilityAsset"]               
Changes in net defined benefit liability (asset) resulting from gain (loss) on remeasurement in other comprehensive income 
Decrease (increase) in net defined benefit liability (asset) resulting from return on plan assets excluding interest income or expense               
Decrease (increase) in net defined benefit liability (asset) resulting from actuarial gains (losses) arising from changes in demographic assumptions               
Decrease (increase) in net defined benefit liability (asset) resulting from actuarial gains (losses) arising from changes in financial assumptions               
Decrease (increase) in net defined benefit liability (asset) resulting from actuarial gains (losses) arising from experience adjustments               
Decrease (increase) in net defined benefit liability (asset) resulting from gain (loss) on changes in effect of limiting net defined benefit asset to asset ceiling excluding interest income or expense               
Decrease (increase) in net defined benefit liability (asset) resulting from gain (loss) on remeasurement in other comprehensive income{"ReturnOnPlanAssetsNetDefinedBenefitLiabilityAsset":"1.0","ActuarialGainsLossesArisingFromChangesInDemographicAssumptionsNetDefinedBenefitLiabilityAsset":"1.0","ActuarialGainsLossesArisingFromChangesInFinancialAssumptionsNetDefinedBenefitLiabilityAsset":"1.0","ActuarialGainsLossesArisingFromExperienceAdjustmentsNetDefinedBenefitLiabilityAsset":"1.0","GainLossOnChangesInEffectOfLimitingNetDefinedBenefitAssetToAssetCeiling":"1.0"}real[]               
Changes in net defined benefit liability (asset) resulting from miscellaneous other changes 
Increase (decrease) in net defined benefit liability (asset) resulting from changes in foreign exchange rates, net defined benefit liability (asset)               
Contributions to plan, net defined benefit liability (asset) 
Decrease (increase) in net defined benefit liability (asset) resulting from resulting from contributions to plan by employer               
Decrease (increase) in net defined benefit liability (asset) resulting from contributions to plan by plan participants               
Decrease (increase) in net defined benefit liability (asset) resulting from contributions to plan{"ContributionsToPlanByEmployerNetDefinedBenefitLiabilityAsset":"1.0","ContributionsToPlanByPlanParticipantsNetDefinedBenefitLiabilityAsset":"1.0"}real[]               
Decrease (increase) in net defined benefit liability (asset) resulting from payments from plan               
Decrease (increase) in net defined benefit liability (asset) resulting from payments in respect of settlements               
Increase (decrease) in net defined benefit liability (asset) resulting from business combinations and disposals               
Increase (decrease) in net defined benefit liability (asset) resulting from other changes               
Total increase (decrease) in net defined benefit liability (asset) resulting from miscellaneous other changes{"IncreaseDecreaseThroughChangesInForeignExchangeRatesNetDefinedBenefitLiabilityAsset":"1.0","ContributionsToPlanNetDefinedBenefitLiabilityAsset":"-1.0","PaymentsFromPlanNetDefinedBenefitLiabilityAsset":"-1.0","IncreaseDecreaseThroughBusinessCombinationsAndDisposalsNetDefinedBenefitLiabilityAsset":"1.0","IncreaseDecreaseThroughOtherChangesNetDefinedBenefitLiabilityAsset":"1.0"}real{"3":"ContributionsToPlanNetDefinedBenefitLiabilityAsset"}               
Total increase (decrease) in net defined benefit liability (asset){"IncreaseDecreaseInNetDefinedBenefitLiabilityAssetResultingFromExpenseIncomeInProfitOrLoss":"1.0","GainLossOnRemeasurementOfNetDefinedBenefitLiabilityAsset":"-1.0","IncreaseDecreaseInNetDefinedBenefitLiabilityAssetResultingFromMiscellaneousOtherChanges":"1.0"}real{"1":"IncreaseDecreaseInNetDefinedBenefitLiabilityAssetResultingFromExpenseIncomeInProfitOrLoss","2":"GainLossOnRemeasurementOfNetDefinedBenefitLiabilityAsset","4":"IncreaseDecreaseInNetDefinedBenefitLiabilityAssetResultingFromMiscellaneousOtherChanges"}               
At 31.12.2024: 
Net defined benefit liability (asset)               

Disclosure of reimbursement rights
Defined benefit plansnoneGeographical areasnoneCharacteristics of defined benefit plansnoneRegulatory environmentsnoneSegmentsnoneFunding arrangements of defined benefit plansnone
Defined benefit plans other than multi-employer plans, state plans and plans that share risks between entities under common controlnoneMulti-employer defined benefit plansnoneState defined benefit plansnoneDefined benefit plans that share risks between entities under common controlnonePension defined benefit plansnonePost-employment medical defined benefit plansnoneReportable segmentsnoneWholly unfunded defined benefit plansnoneWholly or partly funded defined benefit plansnone
Flat salary pension defined benefit plansnoneFinal salary pension defined benefit plansnone
For the year 2024: 
Changes in reimbursement rights related to defined benefit obligation 
Increase in reimbursement rights related to defined benefit obligation, resulting from interest income            
Increase (decrease) in reimbursement rights related to defined benefit obligation, resulting from gain (loss) on remeasurement 
Increase (decrease) in reimbursement rights related to defined benefit obligation, resulting from return on reimbursement rights, excluding interest income or expense            
Increase (decrease) in reimbursement rights related to defined benefit obligation, resulting from gain (loss) on changes in effect of limiting reimbursement rights to asset ceiling excluding interest income or expense            
Total increase (decrease) in reimbursement rights related to defined benefit obligation, resulting from gain (loss) on remeasurement{"ReturnOnReimbursementRights":"1.0","GainLossOnChangesInEffectOfLimitingReimbursementRightsToAssetCeiling":"1.0"}real[]            
Increase (decrease) in reimbursement rights related to defined benefit obligation, resulting from net exchange differences            
Decrease in reimbursement rights related to defined benefit obligation, resulting from benefits paid            
Decrease in reimbursement rights related to defined benefit obligation, resulting from payments in respect of settlements            
Increase (decrease) in reimbursement rights related to defined benefit obligation, resulting from resulting from business combinations and disposals            
Total increase (decrease) in reimbursement rights related to defined benefit obligation, at fair value{"InterestIncomeReimbursementRights":"1.0","GainLossOnRemeasurementOfReimbursementRights":"1.0","IncreaseDecreaseThroughNetExchangeDifferencesReimbursementRightsAtFairValue":"1.0","DecreaseThroughBenefitsPaidReimbursementRightsAtFairValue":"-1.0","IncreaseDecreaseThroughBusinessCombinationsAndDisposalsReimbursementRights":"1.0"}real["GainLossOnRemeasurementOfReimbursementRights"]            
At 31.12.2024: 
Reimbursement rights related to defined benefit obligation, at fair value            

Disclosure of fair value of plan assets
Defined benefit plansnoneGeographical areasnoneCharacteristics of defined benefit plansnoneRegulatory environmentsnoneSegmentsnoneFunding arrangements of defined benefit plansnoneLevels of fair value hierarchynone
Defined benefit plans other than multi-employer plans, state plans and plans that share risks between entities under common controlnoneMulti-employer defined benefit plansnoneState defined benefit plansnoneDefined benefit plans that share risks between entities under common controlnonePension defined benefit plansnonePost-employment medical defined benefit plansnoneReportable segmentsnoneWholly unfunded defined benefit plansnoneWholly or partly funded defined benefit plansnoneLevel 1 of fair value hierarchynoneLevel 2 and 3 of fair value hierarchynone
Flat salary pension defined benefit plansnoneFinal salary pension defined benefit plansnone
At 31.12.2024: 
Classes of plan assets, fair value monetary amounts 
Cash and cash equivalents, amount contributed to fair value of plan assets              
Equity instruments, amount contributed to fair value of plan assets              
Debt instruments, amount contributed to fair value of plan assets              
Real estate, amount contributed to fair value of plan assets              
Derivatives, amount contributed to fair value of plan assets              
Investment funds, amount contributed to fair value of plan assets              
Asset-backed securities, amount contributed to fair value of plan assets              
Structured debt, amount contributed to fair value of plan assets              
Qualifying insurance policies, amount contributed to fair value of plan assets              
Other assets, amount contributed to fair value of plan assets              
Total plan assets, at fair value{"CashAndCashEquivalentsAmountContributedToFairValueOfPlanAssets":"1.0","EquityInstrumentsAmountContributedToFairValueOfPlanAssets":"1.0","DebtInstrumentsAmountContributedToFairValueOfPlanAssets":"1.0","PropertyAmountContributedToFairValueOfPlanAssets":"1.0","DerivativesAmountContributedToFairValueOfPlanAssets":"1.0","InvestmentFundsAmountContributedToFairValueOfPlanAssets":"1.0","AssetbackedSecuritiesAmountContributedToFairValueOfPlanAssets":"1.0","StructuredDebtAmountContributedToFairValueOfPlanAssets":"1.0","QualifyingInsurancePoliciesAmountContributedToFairValueOfPlanAssets":"1.0","OtherAssetsAmountContributedToFairValueOfPlanAssets":"1.0"}real[]              
Classes of plan assets, fair value percentage amounts 
Cash and cash equivalents, percentage contributed to fair value of plan assetsotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherother
Equity instruments, percentage contributed to fair value of plan assetsotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherother
Debt instruments, percentage contributed to fair value of plan assetsotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherother
Real estate, percentage contributed to fair value of plan assetsotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherother
Derivatives, percentage contributed to fair value of plan assetsotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherother
Investment funds, percentage contributed to fair value of plan assetsotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherother
Asset-backed securities, percentage contributed to fair value of plan assetsotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherother
Structured debt, percentage contributed to fair value of plan assetsotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherother
Qualifying insurance policies, percentage contributed to fair value of plan assetsotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherother
Other assets, percentage contributed to fair value of plan assetsotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherother

Disclosure of sensitivity analysis for actuarial assumptions
Defined benefit plansnoneGeographical areasnoneCharacteristics of defined benefit plansnoneRegulatory environmentsnoneSegmentsnoneFunding arrangements of defined benefit plansnoneActuarial assumptionsnone
Defined benefit plans other than multi-employer plans, state plans and plans that share risks between entities under common controlnoneMulti-employer defined benefit plansnoneState defined benefit plansnoneDefined benefit plans that share risks between entities under common controlnonePension defined benefit plansnonePost-employment medical defined benefit plansnoneReportable segmentsnoneWholly unfunded defined benefit plansnoneWholly or partly funded defined benefit plansnoneActuarial assumption of discount ratesnoneActuarial assumption of expected rates of salary increasesnoneActuarial assumption of medical cost trend ratesnoneActuarial assumption of expected rates of pension increasesnoneActuarial assumption of expected rates of inflationnoneActuarial assumption of mortality ratesnoneActuarial assumption of retirement agenoneActuarial assumption of life expectancy after retirementnoneOther material actuarial assumptionsnone
Flat salary pension defined benefit plansnoneFinal salary pension defined benefit plansnone
At 31.12.2024: 
Percentage of reasonably possible increase in actuarial assumptionotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherother
Increase (decrease) in defined benefit obligation due to reasonably possible increase in actuarial assumption                     
Percentage of reasonably possible decrease in actuarial assumptionotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherotherother
Increase (decrease) in defined benefit obligation due to reasonably possible decrease in actuarial assumption                     

Defined benefit plans & Geographical areas & Characteristics of defined benefit plans & Regulatory environments & Segments & Funding arrangements of defined benefit plans & Actuarial assumptions:
  • Description of methods and assumptions used in preparing sensitivity analysis for actuarial assumptions
  • Description of limitations of methods used in preparing sensitivity analysis for actuarial assumptions
  • Description of changes in methods and assumptions used in preparing sensitivity analysis for actuarial assumptions
  • Description of reasons for changes in methods and assumptions used in preparing sensitivity analysis for actuarial assumptions

 Year 2024
Disclosure of additional information about defined benefit plansother
Disclosure of analysis of present value of defined benefit obligation that distinguishes nature, characteristics and risksother
Termination benefits expense 

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