IFRS Disclosure Guide

57. Notes - Additional information

Disclosure of additional information

Capital commitments

Contractual capital commitments 
Authorised capital commitments but not contracted for 
Total capital commitments{"ContractualCapitalCommitments":"1.0","AuthorisedCapitalCommitmentsButNotContractedFor":"1.0"}real[] 

Auditor's remuneration

 Year 2024
Auditor's remuneration for audit services 
Auditor's remuneration for tax services 
Auditor's remuneration for other services 
Total auditor's remuneration{"AuditorsRemunerationForAuditServices":"1.0","AuditorsRemunerationForTaxServices":"1.0","AuditorsRemunerationForOtherServices":"1.0"}real[] 
 Year 202431.12.2024
Number and average number of employees  
Number of employees X.X
Average number of employeesX.X 
Miscellaneous time bands  
Aggregated time bandsother 
On demandother 
Later than one month and not later than two monthsother 
Later than one month and not later than six monthsother 
Later than two months and not later than three monthsother 
Later than three months and not later than four monthsother 
Later than four monthsother 
Later than six monthsother 
Later than one year and not later than two yearsother 
Later than two years and not later than three yearsother 
Later than three years and not later than four yearsother 
Later than four years and not later than five yearsother 
Later than two years and not later than five yearsother 
Later than five years and not later than ten yearsother 
Later than three yearsother 
Later than ten yearsother 

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