Statement of Financial Position
Statement of financial position is the new name of the balance sheet used in IFRS.
International Financial Reporting Standards (IAS 1) do not prescribe the exact format of the Statement of financial position but it can be obtained from IFRS Taxonomy. Just that official format is build into the ReadyRatios analytical software.
According to the IFRS Taxonomy Statement of financial position has the following format (current/non-current variant):
IFRS Taxonomy 2011 XBRL name |
ASSETS | Assets | |
Non-current assets | NoncurrentAssets | |
Property, plant and equipment | 1p54a, 16p73d | PropertyPlantAndEquipment |
Investment property | 1p54b | InvestmentProperty |
Goodwill | 1p54c | Goodwill |
Intangible assets other than goodwill | 1p68(c) | IntangibleAssetsOtherThanGoodwill |
Investment accounted for using equity method | 1p54e, IFRS 8p24a,28e | Investment<...>EquityMethod |
Investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates | 1p55 | Investments<...>Associates |
Non-current biological assets | 1p54f | NoncurrentBiologicalAssets |
Trade and other non-current receivables | 1p54h,78b | NoncurrentReceivables |
Deferred tax assets | 1p54o,56, 12p81g | DeferredTaxAssets |
Current tax assets, non-current | 1p54n | CurrentTaxAssetsNoncurrent |
Other non-current financial assets | 1p54d, 32p11 | OtherNoncurrentFinancialAssets |
Other non-current non-financial assets | 1p54 | OtherNoncurrentNonfinancialAssets |
Non-current non-cash assets pledged as collateral for which transferee has right by contract or custom to sell or repledge collateral | 39p37
IFRS9 | Noncurrent<...>Collateral |
Current assets | CurrentAssets | |
Current inventories | 1p54g | Inventories |
Trade and other current receivables | 1p54h
1p78b | TradeAndOtherCurrentReceivables |
Current tax assets, current | 1p54n | CurrentTaxAssets |
Current biological assets | 1p54f | CurrentBiologicalAssets |
Other current financial assets | 1p54d | OtherCurrentFinancialAssets |
Other current non-financial assets | 1p54 | OtherCurrentNonfinancialAssets |
Cash and cash equivalents | 1p54i
7p45 | CashAndCashEquivalents |
Current non-cash assets pledged as collateral for which transferee has right by contract or custom to sell or repledge collateral | 39p37
IFRS9 | Current<...>Collateral |
Non-current assets or disposal groups classified as held for sale or as held for distribution to
owners | 1p54j
IFRS5p38 | Noncurrent<...>ToOwners |
EQUITY and LIABILITIES | EquityAndLiabilities | |
Equity | Equity | |
Equity attributable to owners of parent | EquityAttributableToOwnersOfParent | |
Issued (share) capital | 1p54r | IssuedCapital |
Share premium | 1p54r | SharePremium |
Treasury shares | 1p54r | TreasuryShares |
Other equity interest | 1p54r | OtherEquityInterest |
Other reserves | 1p54r | OtherReserves |
Retained earnings | 1p54r | RetainedEarnings |
Non-controlling interests | 1p54q | NoncontrollingInterests |
Liabilities | Liabilities | |
Non-current liabilities | NoncurrentLiabilities | |
Non-current provisions for employee benefits | 1p54l | Noncurrent<...>Benefits |
Other long-term provisions | 1p54l | OtherLongtermProvisions |
Прочие долгосрочные резервы | ||
Trade and other non-current payables | 1p54k | NoncurrentPayables |
Deferred tax liabilities | 1p54o
12p81gi | DeferredTaxLiabilities |
Current tax liabilities, non-current | 1p54n | CurrentTaxLiabilitiesCurrent |
Other long-term financial liabilities | 1p54m | OtherNoncurrentFinancialLiabilities |
Other non-current non-financial liabilities | 1p54 | OtherNoncurrentNonfinancialLiabilities |
Current liabilities | CurrentLiabilities | |
Current provisions: | CurrentProvisions | |
Current provisions for employee benefits | 1p54l | CurrentProvisionsForEmployeeBenefits |
Other short-term provisions | 1p54l
37p84a | OtherShorttermProvisions |
Trade and other current payables | 1p54k | TradeAndOtherCurrentPayables |
Current tax liabilities, current | 1p54n | CurrentTaxLiabilities |
Other current financial liabilities | 1p54m | OtherCurrentFinancialLiabilities |
Other current non-financial liabilities | 1p54 | OtherCurrentNonfinancialLiabilities |
Liabilities included in disposal groups classified as held for sale | 1p54p | Liabilities<...>Sale |
why do you put two side to the balance sheet and why do you make it so long that i do not understand it.. can you not just start from the beginning for beginners?