The FASB Decision Moves away Classification and Measurement Assistance!

Saturday, December 21, 2013 Print Email

Yesterday in a meeting United State’s FASB (Financial Accounting Standards Board) had taken a decision to leave the “SPPI” test. This test was required for measurement and classification of the financial assets of the company.

Before this in joint deliberations by IASB and FASB, measurement and classification of financial assets were on the basis of their relative contractual cash flow and model of business on assets managed. In the proposals given by both forums, a financial asset might meet the demands of the contractual cash flow characteristics evaluation when the contractual terms of the instrument “give increase on particular schedules to cash flows which are solely payments regarding principal as well as interest [SPPI] to the principal amount outstanding.“

During yesterday’s gathering, however, the FASB talked about the difficulty of this suggested contractual cash flow test and made a decision to deny the SPPI test. Based on Board people, needing an SPPI test could be swapping well-known difficulty (i.e., typically the bifurcation advice inside ASC 815-15) with regards to unknown difficulty (SPPI). Instead, within a 5 to 2 choices, typically the FASB dictated to retain the necessity to bifurcate monetary assets beneath the “clearly as well as strongly related” assistance inside ASC 815-15 upon assessing whether or not an inlayed derivative function needs to be bifurcated coming from a hybrid financial asset. Typically the FASB instructed the staff for you to evaluate if the contractual cash flow features test needs to be dependent solely for the “clearly and strongly related” criterion within ASC 815-15 as well as if to use which criterion to increase and produce the test. Often the FASB will think about the outcomes of the staff’s examination at an upcoming meeting.

At the similar meeting - when selecting the future of the impairment task - the FASB selected to continue with its Current Expected Credit Loss (CECL) model with regard to impairments, selecting not to follow the IASB's predicted credit reduction design.

Source: ReadyRatios

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