Why Kid Professionals are not the same as their older Counterparts
According to a research carried out in the past two decades, I can confirm that the latest youth workers are gradually experiencing remarkable weaknesses in one or more major soft skills like internal communication and professionalism.
As they make a transition to the adult world enthusiastically and with youthful energy, more often than not, young workers will class with their older counterparts. This is often the story, but something bigger is happening. Those born between 1990 to 1999 are the generation Z and the number 2 wave of the large Millennial cohort. This is just a tipping point in the generation shift of the post-babyboomer who transforms the workforce. Older boomers now retire driving and along with them, they take the last remnants of the ancient work ethics. It is expected that 80 % of the workforce by the year 2020 will be dominated by post boomer numbers, values and norms of Generation X ( those born 1965-1978), Generation Y (those born 1978-1989) and the present Generation Z. By the year 2020, Generation Z is expected to exceed 20 % of the European and North American workforce.
The following historical forces have shaped Generation Z:
Technology- Today, the technological advancement pace is exceptionally at the fore front. Whether its infrastructure, computing, communication, information, ecommerce, war, food, entertainment, and many other areas. In all life’s aspects, anything can get obsolete; possibilities come and go, often drastically and with no warning.
Information environment-The first true digital natives are the Generation Z. They have learned how to communicate, think and learn in a big ocean filled with information. Wireless internet technology, proximity, infinite content and wholesale integration of technology is what defines their information environment. From a very young age, they were exposed to unlimited access to perspectives and ideas, images, sounds and unlimited words.
Human diversity- in terms of geographical origin, Generation Z is expected to have the most diverse workforce in matters of geographical origin, age, ethnic heritage, lifestyle preference, and sexual orientation.
Virtual reality-The Generation Z are ever plugged to an unlimited content stream and never ending dialogue through gaming, sharing and chatting through social media with other peers regardless of their location. They are accustomed to feel ambitious and successful.
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