New Members Appointed to the Advisory Council by Trustees

Monday, December 2, 2013 Print Email

The Trustees of the IFRS Foundation, who are responsible for the oversight and governance of the IASB, International Accounting Standards Board, have announced that 14 new members have been appointed to the IFRS Advisory Council. The council is prime advisory body to both the IASB and the Trustees, and advises the foundation on its technical work plan, priorities and strategic direction. They hold 3 meetings a year with the IFRS foundation.

The Council has a broad range of representatives from many groups which are both affected by, and interested in, the work of the IASB. The representatives consist of financial analysts and those who use financial statements, investors, academics, preparers, regulators, auditors, standard-setters and other professional bodies of accounting.

The new members of the Advisory Council are;

Peter Chambers from the Investment Management Association

Micheline Dionne from the International Actuarial Association

Egbert Eeftink from KMPG

Stephenie Fox from the International Federation of Accountants

Dr Jens Frieberg from the BDO

Jake Green from Grant Thornton

Markus Grund who is re-appointed from the International Association of Insurance Supervisors

John Hitchins who is re-appointed from PwC

Igor Kozyrev from Lukoil

Goro Kumagai from the Securities Analysts Association of Japan

Danita Ostling from EY

Lynda Sullivan from HUB Global Insurance Group

Stephen Taylor from Deloitte

Dr Lothar Weniger from the Corporate Reporting users Forum

The new appointees will take up their roles from January 1st, and outgoing members are;

Norbert Barth, Gerard Ee, Andrew Buchanan, Sei-Ichi Kaneko, Liz Murrall, April Mackenzie, Jerry de St. Paer, Francis Ruygt, Joel Osnoss, Mark Vaessen, Jim Sylph and Leo Van der Tas.

The additional appointments made to the Advisory Council who will replace the members whose terms are expiring at the end of this year will be announced soon. As will Paul Cherry's replacement as Chair of the Advisory Council who is retiring at the end of this year.

The Chairman of the Trustees Nominating Committee is Robert Glauber and he thanked both the outgoing members for the contribution they had made to the council as well as the new members for their agreed participation in the Council's important work.

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