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Self financing is the procedure in which the company or an individual spends his own money for the completion of ongoing projects in case of unavailability of funding sources.

Sources of funding

There are many sources which can provide funding to the concerned agencies and organizations for the purpose of accomplishment and completion of their projects. In order to start any new big level project, it is important to confirm the funding sources because if any project is left in the middle just because of the lack of funds, it all goes wasted. Therefore it is advised to all the project runners and agencies to have enough of the self financing sources which could help them a lot in case of the blockage or non availability of the funding and finances.

Official funding sources

Usually there are many official sources which provide funding to the agencies on contract basis and in this regard they also make certain pacts from the agencies regarding the funding. Usually the financing is in the form of assistance in case of official development. This assistance is provided from the donor governments and in this way they get their budget allocations according to their demands. It is better to make the budget appropriations in case if there is any need to switch towards the self financing procedure in case the financing is not available or not sufficient. In these cases it is very important to consider the proper estimate of the self financing patterns so that there may not be any problem afterwards.

Non-budgetary sources

Sometimes the projects and agencies also receive funds from the non budgetary sources for the projects. Sometimes the capital is provided by the donor on semi commercial terms. This sometimes becomes for the acceptors to get these loans and funds. Still there are some examples when these finances and funds are provided on the joint basis and parallel. In al the cases self financing is the procedure which has its own worth and one should go for keeping an option all the time if in case the foreign funding is not reaching at all or in time.

There are many cases when the self financing is merged with the co financing. Usually the self finance funds are kept separate and this can be of extra significance for the project managers. 

See also

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