Return on Average Equity (ROAE)

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Meaning and Definition of Return on Average Equity

Return on average equity (ROAE) refers to a company's performance over a fiscal year. This ratio is an adjusted version of return on equity that measures a company's profitability. Therefore, the denominator of ROAE is calculated as the sum of the value of equity at the beginning and end of the year, divided by two.

In other words, ROAE measures how much profit a company is generating for each dollar of equity invested by shareholders. The higher the ROAE, the more efficiently a company is using its equity to generate profits, which is seen as a positive sign for investors. Estimating the return on average equity can provide a more accurate picture of the company’s corporate profitability, particularly in situations where the value of shareholders’ equity has changed significantly during the financial year. In circumstances, where the value of shareholders’ equity does not alter or alters by a small amount during a specific period, the Return on Equity and the Return on Average Equity numbers should be similar, or identical.

Formula for Calculating Return on Average Equity

Return on Average Equity

Where: Net Income = the company's net income for a given period of time Average Equity = the average of the company's equity at the beginning and end of the period being considered

It is important to use average equity in the calculation of ROAE, rather than just the equity at the end of the period, because this provides a more accurate representation of the company's equity position over the period being considered.

ROAE can also be calculated using other metrics, such as total shareholder equity or book value of equity, but the average equity method is the most widely used.

The main steps involved in the computation of Return on average equity are:

1. Establish the balance sheet or the Statement of Shareholder’s Equity. After doing this, obtain the common shareholders’ equity for the most recent year (CSE 1) and also the same for previous year (CSE 2).

2. Compute the average common shareholders’ equity (AvgCSE) for the current year and the previous year as:

AvgCSE = (CSE 1 + CSE 2) / 2

3. Find out the Net Income for the year for which the ROAE is to be estimated. The net income can be found near the foot of the income statement for the current year.

4. As a final point, compute the Return on Average Equity as


thus obtaining the return on average equity of the company being analyzed. 

What negative ROAE means?

If a company's ROAE is negative, it is not producing enough money to cover the costs of its equity. In other words, the firm is losing money for every dollar of equity invested by shareholders. Due to the fact that it demonstrates that the company is not effectively employing its equity to generate profits, investors typically interpret this as a warning sign.

A negative ROAE could be caused by a variety of factors, such as increasing operational costs, declining revenues, a difficult economic environment, or poor management decisions. It is essential to investigate the root causes of a low ROAE and consider the company's future prospects before making any investment decisions. 

Keep in mind that some industries, such as start-ups and high-growth companies, may experience a brief fall in ROAE as a result of reinvesting earnings into the business to sustain growth. However, it is still essential to assess the company's overall financial performance, including its cash flow, debt, and growth prospects, even though under these situations a negative ROAE may not always be a cause for alarm.

A low ROAE is a warning sign for investors since it demonstrates how poorly a company is leveraging its equity to generate profits. It is essential to investigate the root causes of a low ROAE and consider the company's future prospects before making any investment decisions. 

How to increase ROAE?

A business can employ the following techniques to raise its ROAE (Return on Average Equity):

  1. Boost revenue: A company's revenue growth can boost its net income and ROAE. This might be accomplished through market expansion, the introduction of new goods or services, or a rise in revenues as a result of marketing and sales operations.
  2. Cost-cutting measures can help a business boost its net income and ROAE. This can be done by cutting back on overhead expenses like rent, utilities, and personnel wages or by increasing productivity and operational effectiveness. 
  3.  Margin expansion: By expanding its margins, a business can boost its net income and ROAE. This can be accomplished through enhancing pricing tactics, lowering the cost of items offered, or enhancing the availability of goods or services to boost demand and market share.
  4. Equity growth: A corporation can boost its ROAE by growing its equity. This can be done either by holding onto earnings or by raising funds through equity offerings like stock issuances or convertible loans. 
  5. Increase asset utilization: A corporation can raise its net income and ROAE by better utilizing its assets. This can be accomplished by maximizing the utilization of resources, which includes cutting down on idle time and raising production.

It's crucial to keep in mind that not all of these tactics will apply to every business, and the optimal course of action will rely on the unique circumstances of the organization. Moreover, it's crucial to take into account the trade-offs related to any plan, such as elevated risk or lower profitability, and to approach any modifications from a long-term perspective. 

Increasing revenue, cutting costs, raising margins, raising equity, and boosting asset utilization are a few of the tactics a business can employ to raise its ROAE. The appropriate course of action will vary depending on the unique conditions of each organization and should be considered in the long run. 


ROAE (Return on Average Equity) and ROE (Return on Equity) are two financial metrics that measure a company's profitability in relation to its equity. While they are similar in many ways, there are some key differences between the two metrics.

Because ROAE uses average equity rather than equity at the end of the period, it differs significantly from ROE.
This means that, in contrast to ROE, which only provides a snapshot of the firm's equity position at a certain point in time, ROAE provides a more accurate depiction of the equity position of the company during the period under consideration.

In conclusion, both ROAE and ROE are useful metrics for evaluating a company's profitability in relation to its equity, but ROAE provides a more comprehensive view of a company's equity position over time. When evaluating a company, it is recommended to consider both ROAE and ROE, along with other financial metrics, to get a complete picture of the company's financial health and performance.

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