RedHawk Holdings Corp. (SNDD) Financial Analysis and Rating
Comparison Analysis Based on SEC Data
Company Name | RedHawk Holdings Corp. |
Industry (SIC) | 1311 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas |
Revenue in 2020 (TTM) | $1,726 thousand (ranked #124 out of 135 companies in the industry) |
Assets as of 12/31/2020 | $1,959 thousand (ranked #131) |
Analyzed report | 12/31/2019 (TTM) (filed 2/19/2020) |
Financial Position and Performance
Compared with 2019 industry ratios | Change during the year |
much worse |
improved |
Compared with all listed companies |
much worse |
Financial Ratios Benchmarking
Finanancial Ratio | Comparison of 2019 company ratios (TTM) | ||
with industry ratios (13 - Oil And Gas Extraction) |
with all listed companies | ||
Solvency Ratios | |||
Debt ratio |
Debt-to-equity ratio |
Negative equity
Negative equity
Interest coverage ratio |
Liquidity Ratios | |||
Current Ratio |
Quick Ratio |
Cash Ratio |
Profitability Ratios | |||
Profit margin |
ROE (Return on equity), after tax |
Negative equity
Negative equity
ROA (Return on assets) |
Activity Ratios | |||
Asset turnover (days) |
Receivables turnover (days) |
Resulting score | -1,1 | -1,4 |
Additional Ratios (not used in score calculation)
Finanancial Ratio | Comparison of 2019 company ratios (TTM) | ||
with industry ratios (13 - Oil And Gas Extraction) |
with all listed companies | ||
Profitability Ratios | |||
Gross margin |
Operating margin (Return on sales) |
Activity Ratios | |||
Inventory turnover (days) |
EBIT | $(0)M | ||
EBITDA | $-70467 | ||
Price Ratios | |||
Dividend Payout Ratio |
Auditor's Conclusion
We have performed a comparative analysis of the balance sheet and income statement of RedHawk Holdings Corp. (hereafter – the "Company") for the year 2019 as submitted to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The primary business activity of the Company is "Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas" (SIC code 1311). In the analysis, we have compared the key financial ratios of the Company with the average (median) values of those ratios calculated for the specific industry sector and for all companies. The averages are calculated using data from 2019 financial statements filed with the SEC through the Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval system (EDGAR). By comparing each of the eleven key metrics to the median, we have drawn a general conclusion about the quality of the company's financial condition. Calculations and summary conclusions are performed in a computerized manner using software and methodologies developed by ReadyRatios.
As a result of the analysis of the key financial ratios of the Company, we have established the following. The financial condition of RedHawk Holdings Corp. in 2019 is much worse than the financial condition of half of all companies engaged in the activity "Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas".
The same conclusion can be reached when comparing the Company's ratios to the averages for all U.S. industries. The financial position of RedHawk Holdings Corp. is much worse than that of most listed companies that submit financial statements to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
Financial Position and Performance History
More on RedHawk Holdings Corp.
Closest Competitors
Company | USD ($), in Millions | |
Revenue | Assets | |
Mexco Energy Corporation | 2 | 10 |
U.S. Energy Corp. | 2 | 12 |
Royale Energy, Inc. | 2 | 8 |
GB Sciences, Inc. | 1 | 10 |
Financial Data Source and Analysis Principles
The above is a comparative analysis of the company's financial position and performance. The comparison is based on official financial statements filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) through the Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval system (EDGAR) (about 10,000 largest publicly traded companies). The comparison is made using the eleven key financial ratios (see the table above). The company's financial ratios are compared with the median of the ratios for all companies and for companies in the same industry, as well as to the quartiles of these ratios. Each ratio value is assigned a score between -2 and +2 depending on its position relative to the quartiles (-2 – below the first quartile; -1 – between the first and the second quartile; +1 – between the second and the third quartile; +2 – above the third quartile; 0 – the ratio value deviates from the median by no more than 5% of the difference between the median and the quartile closest to the ratio value). To draw a conclusion from the analysis, the individual scores are weighted equally to produce an overall score ranging from -2 and +2.
much better (+1 - +2incl) | |
better (from 0.11 to +1incl) | |
about the same (from -0.11incl to +0.11incl) | |
worse (from -1incl to -0.11) | |
much worse (from -2incl to -1) |
Change during the year is calculated by comparing the resulting score of financial position within the industry with the last year's (quarter's) score. The result of the comparison may be as follows:
significantly improved (positive change of more than 1 point) | |
improved (positive change of less than 1 point) | |
unchanged (little or no change in score, no more than 0.11 points) | |
deteriorated (the score has decreased by less than 1 point during the year) | |
deteriorated significantly (the score has decreased by more than 1 point during the year) |
Please note that this analysis does not indicate that the company's financial position is good or bad, but rather describes it in comparison to other U.S. businesses. For a detailed financial analysis, please use "ReadyRatios Financial Analysis" - load the data into the program>>