- July 11, 2012 ReadyRatios Update: New Interface and Features The ReadyRatios software has been updated by now. Besides small technical improvements this version got a new interface and American English option. The update is meant to make the interface look modern.
- May 16, 2012 SEC Recommends Changes in Accounting for Derivatives The Securities and Exchange Commission has passed along a request to the Financial Accounting Standards Board that it consider making changes in how to account for derivatives contracts designated as hedging instruments. ...
- May 11, 2012 First Results of the ReadyRatios International Project By June 2012 the ReadyRatios project will have been working internationally for a year. For this project we’ve used our 20-year experience in auditing and 6-year experience in IT-services manufacturing for the ... Views: 4840 ∙ Comments: 1
- April 30, 2012 SEC Adopts US GAAP Financial Reporting Taxonomy The FAF and FASB have announced that the SEC has adopted the non-governmental 2012 US GAAP Financial Reporting Taxonomy (Taxonomy). The FAF and the FASB are responsible for the ongoing maintenance of the Taxonomy ...
- March 22, 2012 South Africa Standard-Setting Arrangements Change, 'SA GAAP' to Be Discontinued Standard setting arrangements in South Africa are undergoing change, with the South African Accounting Practices Board (APB) to be wound up and its functions effectively transferred to the recently created Financial ...
- March 20, 2012 IFAC Reiterates its Call for Global Adoption of IPSAS by Governments The latest Policy Position Paper from the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) renews its call for governments to apply accrual accounting principles in light of ongoing sovereign debt issues, and in particular, ...
- March 8, 2012 PCAOB Announces Panelists for Upcoming Public Meetings on Auditor Independence and Audit Firm Rotation On 21-22 March 2012, the United States Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) will be hosting a public meeting on ways to enhance auditor independence, objectivity, and professional skepticism, including through ...
- March 7, 2012 FASB Webcast on Priorities for 2012 The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) has announced it will host a webcast featuring FASB Chairman Leslie F. Seidman discussing the FASB's priorities for 2012. The webcast will include a discussion of several ...
- March 5, 2012 FEE Comment Letter on Proposed European Commission Directive The Federation of European Accountants (Fédération des Experts-comptables Européens, FEE) has publicly released its comment letter on the European Commission proposal for a Directive on the Annual Financial S ...
- March 2, 2012 FRC: New Accounting Framework Expected in 2015 THE FINANCIAL REPORTING COUNCIL said it hopes to introduce new UK accounting framework UK GAAP by 2015, in a draft priority and funding proposal published today. The proposals are released ahead of its annual open ...
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