Financial and Accounting News
July 13, 2011 Investors Defend FASB Role on IFRS Representatives of large institutional investors told the Securities and Exchange Commission on Thursday that they had serious qualms about the London-based International Accounting Standards Board replacing the U.S. ...
July 13, 2011 S.E.C. Investigating Longtop Financial of China The auditor at the Chinese-based software company Longtop Financial Technologies has quit and the Securities and Exchange Commission in the United States has opened an inquiry, the company said. The case deepens concern ...
July 13, 2011 Troubled Audit Opinions On one side is an assessment of a company with a clean audit opinion fr om the Toronto office of Ernst & Young, and with bonds rated just below investment grade by Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s. It has raised b ...
July 13, 2011 Lawyers and Accountants Once Put Integrity First NEARLY a year after President Obama signed into law a huge overhaul of financial regulations, little on Wall Street seems to have changed. Regulators appear to be dragging their feet on finalizing the tough new rules that ...
July 12, 2011 SEC to Decide This Year on Switch to Global Rules The United States should move towards use of international accounting standards but must not rush the process, business representatives and accountants told the Securities and Exchange Commission on Thursday. If the United ...
July 12, 2011 AAOIFI Issues Guidance Statement on FAS 23: Consolidation Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI) is pleased to announce that existing Financial Accounting Standard No. 23 Consolidation is being revised. Provisions of existing Standard ...
July 12, 2011 New New-Zealand Standard Setting Arrangements Now in Place As announced earlier, standard setting in New Zealand has been restructured. The New Zealand Accounting Standards Review Board (ASRB) has been replaced by the External Reporting Board (XRB). The change became effective 1 ...
July 12, 2011 SEC Roundtable Discussions on IFRSs The SEC held roundtable discussions with representatives from investors, smaller public companies, and regulators to discuss benefits and challenges related to potentially incorporating IFRSs in the United States financial ...
July 12, 2011 Taxation in Qatar: Attracting Investment The government of Qatar recently introduced a lower headline rate of corporate income tax, wider range of tax treaty structuring options, and changes in withholding tax obligations. The object was to promote and endorse, ...
July 11, 2011 Investors Defend FASB Role on IFRS International accounting standard-setters may lack the political backbone of their U.S. counterparts, users of financial statements fear. Representatives of large institutional investors told the Securities and Exchange ...
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